5 Movies on Netflix You'll Add to Your Queue | The Odyssey Online
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5 Movies on Netflix You'll Add to Your Queue

Don't miss Ryan Gosling, Anne Hathaway, and Kate Winslet's best.

5 Movies on Netflix You'll Add to Your Queue

5) The Holiday

Image Credit: Alchetron

For fans of Love Actually or New Year's Eve, The Holiday centers around two women who decide to swap abodes at Christmas after failed relationships. Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet make convincing appearances in this RomCom; however, it is truly predictable. A movie trailer creator and a columnist respectively, the pair work in cohesion throughout. Fun fact: Nancy Meyers handpicked Kate Winslet for the role of Iris and wrote all the lines with her in mind. She also wrote the fabulous Netflix-streamable Something's Gotta Give starring Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton. Carina Chocano from the LA Times remarks "like a magic trick in reverse, The Holiday reveals the mechanics of the formula while trying to keep up the illusion." I couldn't have said it better myself.

4) One Day

Image Credit: pinterest

Annually, this film follows Em and Dexter after college through the development of love, or lack thereof. Anne Hathaway performs Em beautifully and gracefully. On every July 15th-- the couple's anniversary-- we see their companionship, affair, and strength. You'll have to watch to see if their One Day ends up in a beautifully timed disaster, or a love story for many more July fifteenths to come.

3) What Maisie Knew

Image Credit: Warwick Arts Center

In this heart-wrenching film, Maisie knows what goes on behind closed doors and her innocence is taken in exchange for her knowledge. Julianne Moore stars as Maisie's mother, a washed-up, good-for-nothing rockstar caring more about love affairs and tours than her daughter. Based off of the brilliantly written Henry James novel, adult issues prove to be a child's worst enemy in What Maisie Knew.

2) Sixteen Candles

Image Credit: NY Daily News

Molly. Ringwald. Need I say more? This film serves as John Hughes' first of a series of 1980's teen films. Accurately capturing the teen experience with grace, ease, and accessibility, Sixteen Candles is the quintessential coming-of-age movie. Fun fact: the cake in the iconic scene was made of cardboard and Jake Ryan was 23 during filming!

1) The Big Short

Image Credit: yahoo.com

Simply brillant. This documentary drama stars Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, Brad Pitt, and Steve Carrell. It develops the story of the United States housing bubble, or subprime mortgage crisis, triggering the financial calamity of 2007 and 2008. The financial aspects of the film are explained by Selena Gomez, Anthony Bourdain, and Margot Robbie to name a few. Ryan Gosling's character frequently breaks the confines of the film, as his character serves as the narrator. Based on the book by Michael Lewis, you won't want to miss this Brad Pitt produced film.

p.s. it's my 19th birthday and I'm writing this article so you know these films are worthwhile.

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