Dear Anyone Who Is Listening Or Pretending To Care:
I have had my fill of negative people dragging me down. I do not need to go to a low level like that because I am strong and deserve so much more in life.
I have had my fill of fake friends that will be close to me one day and then leave the next without even thinking about it. I should be able to maintain a healthy friendship with those who will be good for me in the long run.
I have had my fill of low self-esteem when all it seems I can do is push myself down. Self-hate is never good for anyone. All it does is ruin your happiness and makes you lose all confidence in yourself. Instead, I need to build myself back up whenever I do not like something.
I have had my fill of societal pressures where everyone seems to be expecting so much from me. Sometimes it is okay to just take a step back and realize I can achieve my own goals at my own pace without people telling me what to do or who to be.
I have had my fill of a lack of motivationwhere it felt like I should just give up. If I have my focus set on something, I will strive to finish the task until I feel satisfied. I will not sit idly by hoping someone else will do it for me. I know what I want, and now I just have to have the strength to do it.
Sometimes having your fill of life can also be a good thing. Bad times can turn around for you if you believe in yourself and work to fix them. You have to be open to letting your life become full of better things that will help you become the best version of yourself.
I have had my fill of positive influences who have changed me for the better countless times. There are some people who will just always be there for you no matter the distance, time, or difficult situations.
I have had my fill of a strong faith foundation where I know I can always turn to prayer when I feel lost or afraid. No matter how dark moments may seem, I believe something better will come along.
I have had my fill of a family who cares and wants to protect me from the dangers of the real-world. They look out for me and offer their advice when they know I need it most.
I have had my fill of pure happiness while creating memories that will last forever. Life is about taking chances and going on adventures with people you love. I have moments that I would never trade because they mean so much to me.
Lastly, I have had my fill of letting go and loving myself beyond all my flaws. I want to live for myself and feel satisfied knowing I am enough no matter what others may say to distract me.
Despite all of these pieces of my life puzzle, I will never quite be full. Life is always about having more and never reaching that full capacity.
Anyone Who Has Not Quite Had Enough Of Life Yet