Figure skating is a popular sport across the nation. The sport has been apart of my life since I was three years old. Upon hearing that I am a figure skater, people often ask many questions about it. Here are the ones that I get asked most frequently.
Can you skate backwards?
Yes. Every jump is taken off from a backwards edge except for the axel.
Is skating hard?
LOL. Yes. You have to practice and train for a long time to get any good. You can’t just pick up skating and go to the Olympics the next year. If you’re lucky enough to have natural talent, then you must be dedicated and focused.
Does it hurt when you fall?
Let's think about this one: cold, hard ice, plus a body that can break and bruise, plus momentum. Throw in sharp blades. Yeah, I'd say there's been a few times that it hurt.
I heard figure skaters have ugly feet, can I see yours?
I’m not going to pull off my shoe and show you right here right now, but I will tell you, most figure skaters do not have pretty feet. Blisters, bunions, permanent scarring… Let’s just say I could never model shoes.
Do you know Michelle Kwan? Or Gracie Gold? Or insert another famous figure skater’s name here?
Yeah, I just call them up on their cellies every time I want to chill. Please, I’ve never been in the same proximity as their famous selves, though I did grow up competing against Gracie Gold. She got good, I plateaued. I keep up with them via social media.
Wait, aren’t figure skaters supposed to be tiny/insert any other trait of a stereotypical figure skater?
Sigh. Smaller girls do have slight advantages when learning jumps and spins, but if you condition and train hard enough, this slight advantage won't be an issue. There is no “preferred” body type for this sport. If your parents are willing to sign the checks, pretty much any coach will take you on.
Can you do flips on the ice?
Technically, yes. There is a jump called a flip jump, but a double flip is not like a double back flip on the trampoline. It all depends on what kind of flip you are referring to.
Do you get dizzy?
Yup. We’re spinning 200 or more revolutions per minute. However, we get used to it, which is why when we come out of a spin in a routine, we still stay on our feet and do other steps to follow it.
Oh, you can skate? Like in "Ice Princess"?
You do not just lace up a pair of skates once and land an axel. And the testing scene? You have to pass the tests IN ORDER and NOT ON THE SAME DAY. Studying physics will not give you super high jumps. Training will.
And the Zamboni driver is hardly ever that good-looking. Most of the time, it is middle aged old men. So, if that’s your boat, it’s time to float.
However, if you do try to compete with brand new skates, your feet will be sore and you will most likely fall. That part is true.
Are you any good?
Define what you mean by good. If I was good enough to go to the Olympics, I wouldn’t be here writing this article, I’d be training my butt off.
Alternatively, can I stand on skates? Of course I can. I guess you’ll just have to come to a practice or competition and see for yourself if I skate well.