We have all become familiar with the horrible tragedy which occurred in Dallas Thursday, July 7th which was a result of the shooting of a black man by an officer in Louisiana.. After having time to process the events people have decided which side to take. You either side with the law and believe they were doing their job or you believe an innocent citizen who did no wrong was wrongfully shot. Whichever side you take at the end of the day we need to stand up for what is right and deter from what is wrong.
Unfortunately, we must all have different definitions of wrong here in America. We see it is wrong to kill someone who is innocent. If you would like to call Alton Sterling innocent or a cooperating citizen who was wrongfully shot then go ahead. Now we all are very aware Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Dallas, Texas are two completely different places, not even remotely close to each other. As we all know, it is hard to pick the brain of a psycho unless you have a degree in psychology or you actually are psycho. I just would love to know what went through these shooters were thinking when they decided to make an attack on Dallas police officers. We know that one of the shooters claimed he was upset about the recent shooting in Louisiana, he was upset bout black lives matter, he was upset with the white men and especially white cops.
We are taught not to stereotype people. Cops should not stereotype black men as always being dangerous. We should not stereotype all police officers as being guilty of taking innocent peoples lives. Someone explain to me how these men justified fighting violence against innocent lives by killing five actual innocent lives. Since when did violence become the answer to ending violence? These shootings solved nothing but instead caused more turmoil. What are we doing fighting against one another? These shooters shouldn't have taken their sadness and anger out on innocent police officers. If they had a problem with the situation and the cop responsible then they should have expressed their concern and taken action to see how they could prove it was a wrongful shooting. Instead they handled it in the most irrational way possible. What has it come to when we think that the answer to stopping police violence against the innocent is by turning around and shooting truly innocent cops. People mad or upset with the police or any sort of law official I assure you out of all the people in the nation they are not the ones that are out to kill. Their actual job description is to keep their towns, communities, and people safe. Wake up people you are fighting a war against the wrong people.
We must stop fighting the civil war and realize we have bigger enemies closing in on us and we stand no chance as a divided nation. If we unite and come together like we are supposed to we could be a successful nation once again. We can fight anything, we can overcome anything, and we can rebuild this nation. Instead so many would rather stand around fighting ludicrous fights with the people who aren't even the ones to blame. Wake up America!! You are picking fights with the only people who wake up everyday to ensure your safety. If you aren't appreciative of their hard work and dedication there are plenty of other countries that I'm sure would love to have you.