Hey Readers!
There's been a question I have to ask myself when I feel like everything around me keeps me from pursuing my dreams: if not for myself, who am I fighting for? There are many different terms you can use to describe what you want most, no matter if you call it a "goal," it's still something you aspire for yourself. Yes, there are so many challenges ahead for myself, and I can only imagine the bigger challenges someone else is going through in comparison to mine. I only hope that, whoever reads this, understands that I am writing in the hopes that this piece among others I have written keeps you going. You don't have to know exactly where you're going, but wherever you see yourself, I am sending all the positivity out there for you to flourish. Good vibes to you.
If you're not fighting for yourself,
Who are you fighting for?
The journey is long and tiring but
You have so much more to offer
If you're not fighting for yourself,
Who are you fighting for?
The people who support you won't let you go alone
For they want so much to see you shine
If you're not fighting for yourself,
Who are you fighting for?
The naysayers would be proven correctly
If you gave up so quickly on yourself in the pursuit of happiness
Aren't you worthy of every bit of joy that comes your way
Even if it means demolishing all obstacles to make it real?
If you're not fighting for your dreams,
What are you fighting for?
The fulfillment of others is a blessing,
But what about making your own come true keeps you second guessing?
If you're not fighting for your dreams,
What are you fighting for?
Maybe the term doesn't resonate with you,
But does that still mean you give up too?
If you're not fighting for yourself,
Who and What are you fighting for?
No one has to understand nor agree,
But if you have some sort of idea, let that idea run wild and free
If you woke up in five years' time of tomorrow,
Would you be happy you remained persistent or be burdened with sorrow?
Please fight for yourself if no one else
Because who are you fighting for if not for yourself?