My god, I hate politics. I’ve always known this about myself, but the hatred was based in the fact that election years take decades off of my life it seems with the constant bombarding of messages I’m getting in mass media. Vote for me! Vote for her! Vote for him! Don’t vote for anyone because they all suck and my vote doesn’t count! *
* Blatant lie. Your vote counts. Do it.
This election for the next President of the United States of America is by far evidentiary support for my notion that election years need to be trimmed down into election an election month. I mean, I’ve known who I was going to vote for since it became Donald v. Hilary. I think we’ve all known, at least if you’re sane, who you are going to vote for.
Make no difference, my loyal readers (Hi Dad!) I’m not telling you WHO to vote for and calling you a blithering idiot if you vote for Trump. That is called bullying, and as I’m constantly reminded by my mother, if I have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all. Well, like much of my youth, I am going to continue interpreting that message differently than she meant. This election is dangerous-on one hand we have a woman who has literally dedicated her life and arguably her soul to the service of others. Then, across from her, we have a fucking moron who evidently never got the message that sexual assault is a hard NO in American culture. I can’t even speak about that in greater detail because of the rage that follows, and because I like my job I can’t risk it. Google, however, can educate you if somehow you literally are deaf to mass media in 2016.
I, despite the impression you may get from everything else I’ve ever written, try my best to respect others and opinions even when they’re wrong. I don’t necessarily tell people straight up they are wrong…until this election. You see, I respect your right to identify Republican, Democrat, Independent, or as a damn mermaid if you really believe you’ll become one. But this election has literally nothing to do with political parties. It has to do with protecting our fundamental rights, our sisters, our mothers, our girlfriends, our wives, minorities of color, the LGBT community, and so many others at risk if Things 1 & 2 (formally known as Trump/Pence) are elected into office.
I get why people feel like they cannot vote for Hilary. She doesn’t necessarily have the best demeanors, she is not warm and fuzzy like our current POTUS & FLOTUS (God DAMN her speech in New Hampshire. Straight FIRE!) But my vote comes down to a few simple things. First and foremost, Trump/Pence-I mean Thing 1 & 2, are anti-women, anti-LGBT, anti-human, essentially. They are a threat to each and every one of us, and given the mental state of Donald Trump, I’m concerned what he could do for our country. Secondly, I don’t necessarily want my next President of the United States to be warm and fuzzy. I’m not meeting them at Starbucks before work every day. They are leading a VERY amazing country that I’m beyond proud to say I am from. I SIMPLY want a President who can get shit done. Let us face it folks, Trump/Pence are a threat. Trump is a threat to women, most notably, and Pence believes shock therapy can cure one from homosexuality. As a gay man, I refuse to speak of it most times because of how awful it is. It doesn’t cure you of being “gay”, it strips you of your humanity and your being. I cannot vote for a party who supports this behavior. This is a moral election, an election of right and wrong. Together, we are all Americans who must acknowledge the threat we are facing if a giant orange is the ruler of our free country.
Think about it America.