Stronger than ever, I am back for my readers and believers. This time, it feels even better to be joining "Black Voices," beyond Berea borders.
I love free writing, and nobody can actually stop me from spreading what I believe is true, useful, or positive to society and future generations. Sometimes, writing in a foreign language can be difficult. Consequentially, my decision to move from one group to another does not only reflect a low moment I experienced from for writing an article which did not reflect my own beliefs about a topic (which I decide not to mention here), but also for finding myself surrounded by noisy people who lack the ability to embrace diversity of opinion, and feed themselves with noise instead of peace. The good thing is I am a pacifist, and I oath to never encourage violence of any kind in my life. When I face negative people, acrid backlash, or immodest encounters, I tend to lower my emotion to the least level I can in order to empathize and understand the reason behind every person’s ways of reacting. The bad thing is I am not God; I run out of forgiveness when I come across hostile and noisy people who refuse to contribute to the settlement of peace.
Peace must be the endpoint of every activist’s work. Anybody who claims to be an activist but is not willing to collaborate to reach peace is a disastrous one; tell them to repent. How do you justify your character as an activist if peace is not the ending point of your work? It makes sense to stop acting crazy by constantly trying to please the world around you from sharing every tormented, challenged, peculiar topic found on the Internet. It’s hard to believe, but it is true that those who share horrible, terrible, and provocative topics also contribute to the renown of their authors. It’s been proven true that many prodigious leaders have been held in prison at some point.
It’s hard to believe, but it’s true that those who are constantly sharing negative and life-threatening findings on their social media are also promoting them more than nullifying them. It is said: “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum.” To translate, "if you want peace, prepare for war." However, this saying may not fit in a modern world marked by the rise of multiple strange lifestyles, behaviors, routines, and terrible movements (sometimes shameless and deceitful). The more one tends to share their negative products with the intention to have one's own fans, friends, and related affiliation mock them somehow, the more corrupt they become, the prouder they feel. The more you tend to seek peace by initiating violence or global hostility instead of positive and creative dialogue to find common ground and solution, the further away you’re moving from it. Think about that.
I never noticed how many readers or people who visit my page until there was a deliberate note on my page. I did not mean to write something offensive, however, it did teach me a lesson which I think the entire world should take note of. Nowadays, it’s a hundred times less likely for the world to know and spread the work of a peaceful person who thinks straight and behaves normally than the troublemakers'. The first group’s lives often go unnoticed unless they are able to rise to the extraordinary to make the news. The second group’s lives are different given that people care more than ever about noise instead of quietness, war instead of peace, recognition instead of good reputation. Taking God as my witness, I really did not mean to promote a negative topic in order to catch people’s attention. I was trying to point out or call out a behavior which I still think should be revised by a group of people to be more politically correct in the eyes of the society. Now that I admit that there was some mistake in wording and phrasing which deviates my intention, anyone who owns a trace of this former article anywhere on the internet is held accountable for the idea it promotes. That's why, consequentially, I devotedly decided to take it down. There is no better way I think I could use to illustrate the negative aspects of the work done by those who tend to share only bullying messages or horrible posts on social media as a daily routine. Doing so is adding fire into gas, and expecting it to extinguish. To every activist in the world, it’s time to change your mind. Negativity does not feed positivity. Peace in the world is not reached from violence or hostility; it begins with a positive dialog between two individuals and expands to a more global stage. Thanks, for taking the time to read through all of this! Hoping that you will be fighting to establish peace instead of promoting noisy vibes on the internet.