We should recap where my life is at this point shouldn't we. I have graduated and I am currently interning at my school right now. I came back for schooling, but I am too broke to afford the education so I will be a drop out at this point. The fun life of a broke intern and it is hard to even live month to month.
So, Valentine's Day dude. I hate Valentine's Day to the point that I will completely rebuke the notion that anyone likes me. I would push aside anyone that would try to get close to me on that day because I hate that corporate holiday. The candy is good, but everything about it sucks. I feel the need to hide in a hole in order to get away from everything that is love because I feel that everything is fake. I don't feel like participating in an event that hates on those that don't give things to the one they love. My love switches to hate on this day and I have no control over it. I don't necessarily hate the person I am on Valentine's Day because I become a teaser.
I worked the whole day and forget it was the day of love. I didn't think about anyone and focused on my work because I wanted to stay busy. It is easier to deal with problems if you are busy and if you are able to think about it, then you aren't busy enough. I sang my heart out on my longboard and I did it to get rid of the loneliness in my heart. I feel light when I sing and dance on my board because I feel free.
Next year I won't be the Hall of Fame social media photographer because I want to be doing something with my life. I live day by day and try not to think about all bad things. Love will be in my and my thoughts will carry me on through the years. My love is the happiness of the people around me and that is all I need to be happy.