College is an expensive experience. Even with scholarships to help cut the cost, tuition, room and board, textbooks, and the other assorted expenses can really drain your bank. Once you've made it to college, money is hard to find! There's a reason "broke college kid" is such a common stereotype. Here are fifteen things you understand if you are or ever were a broke college kid.
1. Taco Bell is fine dining.
You will develop a relationship with the Bell. Never take it for granted.
2. Goodwill is a gift to mankind.
One man's "gently used item" is a college kid's treasure.3. It's totally reasonable to pay with a gift card, a credit card, some cash, the lint in your pocket, your neighbor's dog, and a pan of fresh-baked cornbread... all in one purchase.
Everything costs an arm and a leg now. The cashier might despise you, but as long as you're paying, you do what you gotta do.
4. Ramen is life.
Ignore what your health teacher says about that high salt content. Enjoy the noodles.
5. Yes, it's a disposable water bottle. Yes, it's okay to refill it.
Save the earth and some money at the same time! It actually isn't a bad idea to carry over this practice into adulthood.
6. Gift cards keep the earth spinning.
I love spending other people's money.
Just kidding... but gift cards really are the best. You get one, and it makes your week, guaranteed.
7. "Free" is the best word you will ever hear. Bonus points if it's followed by "food."
Free food? I'm there. Count me in.
8. A tank of gas is as precious as pirate treasure.
On the plus side, you'll really build up those leg muscles. Walking. Everywhere.
9. Youtube.
Because ten dollars a month for Apple Music is ten dollars a month too much.
10. Toilet paper is the new gold standard.
If you have to buy it yourself, it's only a matter of time before you start measuring the stuff out by the centimeter. Everybody gets a weekly TP ration.
11. You're wearing that pair of shoes until the soles fall off.
It doesn't matter that you've already worn a hole in the heel. It's not that big of a hole. It's okay.
12. Sales are your best friend.
Except when they're addictive and you end up buying way too much stuff. I know they're cheap, but do you really need fourteen jumbo jars of pickles?
13. Walmart sacks are the new trash bags.
Except they're probably not even Walmart sacks. They're probably plastic bags from the dollar store.
14. Leftovers are a blessing.
You can make that one meal last for days if you've got the tupperware to handle the job.
15. You will start questioning everything with a price tag.
Do you really need that deodorant? Do you? Really? REALLY? (Yes, you do. But maybe not as much as you need that Elvis bobblehead that sings "Jailhouse Rock." That thing is a dorm room must. Go ahead. Impulse-buy it.)