Modest Mouse, technically considered as a Indie-rock/alternative rock/punk band from America, have been making music since 1992 and recently in 2015 released a completely brand new album filled with more songs with their unique sound. In fact, they are currently on tour with alternative punk/rock band, Brand New, for the summer, though most of the shows have already sold out. From 1996 until 2015, Modest Mouse has quite a plethora of songs out spanning in eleven albums. Though it is extremely difficult to choose their best 15 songs (in my opinion), I shall list what I believe to be fifteen of their deepest lyrics.
1. "Bad news comes don't you worry even when it lands, Good news will work its way to all them plans …. And we'll all float on alright
Already we'll all float on alright
Don't worry even if things end up a bit too heavy
We'll all float on alright..."
(Float On / 2004)
Float On is one of Modest Mouse's most well-known songs. It's upbeat instrumentals and uplifting lyrics are quite soothing, especially when you've had a bad day. Definitely one of my favourites to listen to when I know I didn't do so hot on a test.
2."Ping-pongSit and think for a while and you'll realize that you'll still die.
If you're not thinking at all I'm not sure why you're alive.
Ping-pong" (Think Long / 2001)
That is literally the whole song in its entirety. It's simple yet pretty thought provoking...oh the irony.
3. "I'm not sure who I am
I'm not sure who I am but I know who I've been
And I said you can't make everybody happy
He said you'd like to at least make yourself happy though."
(Make Everyone Happy//Mechanical Birds / 1996)
One of Modest Mouse's earlier, golden songs. I feel this lyric is something everyone needs to hear at some point in his or her life. It speaks a lot of truth.
4."She's the only rocketeer in the whole damn placeThey gave her a mirror so she could talk to a face
She still got plenty lonely but that's just the case
With time, time, time..."
(Space Travel So Boring / 1996)
Yet another oldie but goodie, Modest Mouse is known for their dark themes and loneliness is a recurring one.
5. "Always something we look for From the day we were born
Instead, we're the people that we wanted to know
And we're the places that we wanted to go"
(People As Places As People / 2007)
These lyrics can be relevant because, as humans, we mold ourselves into someone we would personally want to hang out with; someone "that we wanted to know."
6. "Everything will fall right into place
When we die, some sink and some lay
But at least I don't see you float away
And all the spilt milk, sex and weightIt all will fall, fall right into place" (Gravity Rides Everything / 2000)
Though Modest Mouse writes a lot of dark themed songs, there's always the encouraging, positively charged ones that make it into the bunch. Gravity Rides Everything is a prime example of a positive song of theirs.
"I know that starting over is not what life's about.
But my thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth." (The World At Large / 2004)
This song is definitely my favourite of theirs, I believe. It's the prime example of how growing up and being an adult is like except put to a nice beat. It's generally thought of a sequel to Float On due to the line "...we'll float on baby, won't you understand?" It's worth a listen, I promise.
8."Well that is that and this is this. Will you tell me what you saw and I'll tell you what you missed,
when the ocean met the sky.
You missed when time and life shook hands and said goodbye.
When the earth folded in on itself.
And said 'Good luck, for your sake I hope heaven and hell
are really there, but I wouldn't hold my breath.'
You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?"
(Ocean Breathes Salty / 2004)
Coming from Good News For People Who Love Bad News (2004) the same album as The World At Large was featured on, this is yet another catchy, uptempo-ed song. It's pretty on point lyrically because some many people waste their lives away doing pretty much nothing...and then when they realize it, it's already too late.
9."And I claim I'm not excited with my life any more So I blame this town, this job, these friends
The truth is it's myself
And I'm trying to understand myself
and pinpoint where i am
When I finally get it figured out
I've changed the whole damn plan"
( Talking Sh!t About A Pretty Sunset / 1996)
To be completely honest, Modest Mouse's debut album of 1996 pretty much was lyrical genius. It led the way for them and gained them popularity at an early start. Talking Sh!t About A Pretty Sunset is a fan favourite for many people; the beat is solemn yet fitting for the lyrics.
10."As life gets longer, awful feels softer,And it feels pretty soft to me.
And if it takes sh!t to make bliss,
well I feel pretty blissfully.
If life's not beautiful without the pain,
Well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again.
Well as life gets longer, awful feels softer.
And it feels pretty soft to me."
(The View / 2004)
Yet another fantastic song from the album Good News For People Who Love Bad News (2004). This is basically the definition of angst.
11."Well see what you wanna see. You should see it all. Well take what you want from me. You deserve it all.
Nine times out of ten our hearts just get dissolved.
Well I want a better place or just a better way to fall.”
(Bukowski / 2004)
Modest Mouse's songs are not only dark or encouraging, but some also have a religion aspect. This song pertains to the writer, Bukowski's, religious affiliation and how the lead singer of Modest Mouse, Isaac Brock's, religious aspect has been shaped towards that of Bukowski's. Though, Brock isn't sure if this is a good thing or not. Again, it's worth a listen.
12. "Everyone's life ends, but no one ever completes it
Dry or wet ice, they both melt and you're equally cheated
(Dark Center of the Universe / 2000)
This particular song's lyrics are true, indeed, in the aspect that "everyone's life ends, but no one ever completes it." Basically meaning, that we all die without ever reaching the full potential of what our lives could have been.
13. "I don't feel, but I feel great"
(Trucker's Atlas / 1997)
Another angsty lyric, but it's pretty important. Sometimes feeling emotionally numb is the only way to sooth oneself and cause temporary relief to the situation.
14."I've said what I'd said and you know what I mean But I still can't focus on anything
We kiss on the mouth but still cough down our sleeves"
(Dramamine / 1996)
Dramamine is basically about the protagonist of the song swallowing the deliriant drug, Dramamine, in order to get through a break-up and the conflict that was induced because of it.
15. "I've seen so many ships sail in,
just to head back out again and go off sinking"
(One Chance / 2004)
These lyrics pertain to life in general, people turn their lives around for the better and then end up relapsing and going down the wrong route again. Again, this is off of the Good News For People Who Love Bad News (2004) album...literally one of Modest Mouse's best albums ever made. I swear it's worth the listen.
In all, Modest Mouse is a band that never gets old; twenty years later and they are still growing strong. I highly recommend their debut album, This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing To Think About (1996), and their most popular album, Good News For People Who Love Bad News (2004). Modest Mouse has a style of their own, a style that's timeless and will most likely live on until the band itself dies.