We're in college. We're adults now, and we're expected to act like it. But honestly, sometimes you've just gotta quit pretending and embrace that kid side still in you!
1. Going to the park
Don't listen to the sign. It's not just for kids. The playground is for us too.
2. Playing dress-up in a store
If you've never done it, grab a carload of friends right now and go. See who can make the craziest outfit. It's a blast!
3. Tea parties
I know this one sounds like it's girls-only, but I'm not going to discriminate. You do you. I recommend chamomile.
4. Rollerskating
Because no one has time to walk to class. [Warning: only attempt if you don't fall on your face every time you strap on the wheels. Like me. I am now well acquainted with the pavement.]
5. Napping
Why hasn't Obama made official nap time a law yet?
6. Reading bedtime stories
Okay, we know it's actually required reading for class. But it's nicer to pretend it's a bedtime story, right?
7. Fingerpainting
Okay, okay, you can use a paint brush if you must. But still. Stress relief. Need I say more?
8. Pajama Day
Well, I mean, this could be every day if you wanted it to be. Nothing's holding you back.
9. Counting on your fingers (and toes, if you have to)
I cannot do the maths. And sometimes the calculator is out of reach.
10. Taking Cheerios (or something similar) to class in a little baggie
It's the emergency snack. It's the class lifeline. Ration it carefully.
11. Thinking McDonalds is the height of fine cuisine
What do you mean these fries aren't gourmet?
12. Going places with your imaginary friend
I don't know about this one, but I see people alone, talking to some invisible friend all the time-- oh. Oh wait. That's their phone. They're talking a video for their snapchat story. My bad.
13. Reverting to licking things to claim them
You can't argue with the effectiveness, and it works on almost anything. Your seat in class, your side of the dorm room, your favorite silverware in the cafeteria...
14. Crying anywhere, anytime, at just about anything
So maybe this isn't a "should do" but...
Kids break down in the middle of Walmart. During finals, college kids also break down in the middle of Walmart.
15. Getting excited about learning
Because honestly, aside from all of the tests and quizzes and assignments, it's really cool. We're here to see the world in a different way!