Women are disadvantaged in the world. This is an obvious fact. In many countries like the one we are lucky enough to call our home, gender discrimination is becoming a highly talked about subject, especially in terms of equal pay in the workplace.
As each Women's World Cup is played, women's soccer becomes a sporting event talked about more and more frequently. With Team USA carrying home their third Cup title (the first country ever to do so), they also brought home a $2 million prize.
While this number is not by any means small, considering that it doubled from the 2011 Women's World Cup $1 million prize, the Men's World Cup winners in 2014 brought $35 million back home to Germany. Additionally, $576 million was awarded throughout the men's tournament, while only $15 million was distributed in the women's cup. That's 2.6 percent of the money that was given to mens' teams.
And we think 77 cents on the male dollar is bad? For these women, who represent the best athletes from countries all over the globe, to make 2.6 cents on the male FIFA athlete's dollar is absolutely ridiculous. With television viewers increasing in large numbers with each Women's World Cup, it's time to fight like a girl for equal rights in women's sports. Because for now, it seems like one thing that unites the globe is sexism.