As almost every single one of you have already heard, Fidel Castro has died at the age of 90. He managed to survive roughly 638 assassination attempts on his life, only to die peacefully of natural causes.
This news has come as a great joy to many people in the U.S. For years our school system has taught that he was a dictator who was never elected (which is false, he was elected President multiple times, however there are no term limits yet in Cuba). The fact that he was a Communist Revolutionary also makes many here in the U.S. hate him, as Communism remains the main 'antichrist' of our nation it seems due to Cold War teachings.
However, he wasn't evil. He wasn't a dictator. He was a loving leader, who cared about the working class of Cuba, as well as the rest of the world. He fought Apartheid in South Africa, while U.S. Presidents supported it. He helped bring Cuba to 99.7% literacy, ranking it among the highest in the world. Roughly 100% of Cuban children are currently enrolled in elementary school. Cuban medicine is amazing compared to most of the world. They have a great doctor - patient ratio, healthcare is completely socialized (nobody has to pay anything to be treated, which should honestly just be common sense), and Cuba also sent 254 doctors to help fight Ebola in West Africa in 2014.
However, these things don't matter, because he was just a dirty communist who overthrew a brutal dictator (Batista) and stripped the ruling class of their wealth (that they made off the labors of the exploited working class) to make things fair for everyone. An egalitarian society, (where nobody has to worry about having enough food, or being able to pay medical bills, or get a decent education) is something that we great capitalists are taught to look down upon as barbaric.