9 Fictional Teachers Who Know More About Education Than Betsy DeVos | The Odyssey Online
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9 Fictional Teachers Who Know More About Education Than Betsy DeVos

It's not that hard actually

9 Fictional Teachers Who Know More About Education Than Betsy DeVos

I’m sure I speak for many when I say the official appointment of Betsy Devos as Secretary of Education was a bit frightening. It’s sad to imagine how her actions could potentially affect the hard work thousands among thousands of public school teachers put in every school year; not that she would know anything about that. So in no particular order, here are 11 fictional teachers from movies or TV series that would probably make better Secretaries of Education than Betsy Devos Would.

1. Mr. Keating (Dead Poets Society)

Though a teacher at a private, all-boys boarding academy, Mr. Keating is committed to his students and instills in them the belief that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to, regardless of the type of school they go to.

2. Mr. Schuester (Glee)

Not only does Mr. Schuester promote the importance of the arts in public schools, he forms personal relationships with each and every one of his students, reminding them that are more than just their grades or their backgrounds.

3. Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus)

Ms. Frizzle is a prime example of just how beneficial empirical learning can be. On the many unique field trips they take, her students learn through hands-on experience and practice real life application of new skills and ideas. It can’t get much better than that.

4. Dumbledore (Harry Potter)

Albus Dumbledore is as wise as they come, helping Harry through one existential crisis after another and encouraging his students to trust in their abilities. With Betsy Devos as our new Secretary of Education, it’s going to take some serious magic to save our national education system.

5. Mr. Escalante (Stand and Deliver)

A group of Southern California high school students all pass the AP Calculus exam with immense help and empowerment from Mr. Escalante, the new teacher at their school. Mr. Escalante forced his students to see themselves as capable of doing anything they set their minds to and excelling at it, despite racial prejudices and dispositions that were so common in that area at the time.

6. Ms. Honey (Matilda)

Ms. Honey is a perfect example of a teacher who knows that the profession is so much more than just showing up and instructing. The well-being of her students, one student, Matilda, in particular, matters to her so much that she eventually ends up adopting her. Now I’m not saying Betsy needs to go out and adopt students in need (lord, help those children if she did) but a little acknowledgment that there are other things students need help with—aside from pending grizzly bear attacks—would be nice.

7 Ms. Norbury (Mean Girls)

Ms. Norbury sees past all of the drama and the clique-ness of high school and appreciates Cady for who she really is. Betsy Devos is basically all those girls who tried to be just like Regina George, except for instead of dressing like her idol to get her attention; she just gave him lots of money.

8. Mrs. Puff (SpongeBob Squarepants)

Though SpongeBob might not have been the brightest student in Bikini Bottom, Mrs. Puff is patient with him and gives him countless opportunities to succeed. Though she may lack the love of the job that so many teachers have, she treats all her students with equity nonetheless and makes appropriate accommodations for SpongeBob when he needs them.

9. Economics teacher (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off)

Okay so maybe his methods of instruction could use a little refreshment and his tone of voice could definitely benefit from a little inflection, but hey at least he cared about his students’ attendance.

And most importantly, what sets all of these teachers apart from newly appointed Secretary of Education Betsy, Devos, is the fact that they have actual experience as teachers. They have degrees in Education. They are familiar with all types of school settings, not just private schools or charter schools. They understand what it is students need to be successful in life, which, by the way, is not some fancy diploma from a prestigious school or tons of money from their well-off families, but rather encouragement, support, patience, dedication and the inspiration that they can achieve anything and make an impact on the world, regardless of who they are or where they come from. Maybe Secretary Devos can take a page from their books.

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