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5 reasons we love fictional characters more than real people

We all have that one character who is honestly our best friend.

Grey's Anatomy

Even Shonda Rhimes, winning creator and executive producer of the hit TV shows Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, and The Catch agrees that relationships with fictional characters are real. In her book, The Year of Yes she states, "I have spent more time with Meredith and Christina then many of my actual friends...When you watched TV, even spending a full hour with Christina once a week, you were likely spending more time with her then you spent with most people in your life. That relationship was real."

1. They are always there

No matter what show you watch, you can always rely on the TV show and characters to all be there when you expect it. Whether you watch a Netflix show and it is just a click away or if you can always depend on Shonda Rimes "TGIT" to see your favorite characters. For me, I always know Grey's Anatomy will be on Thursday nights on ABC, but can we rely on real people to be that predictable? Sometimes when you expect someone to be there for you, they aren't. At the time you need them the most, the time you expect them to be there. Maybe they bailed last minute and for that reason, you can never trust them or rely on them the same way you

2. They are never fake

Every character is written by a TV screenwriter with a set personality in mind. Characters may grow and change throughout a season or a series, but they are never fake. Sitting on the other side of the screen you know everything about their lives and their personalities and even if they are keeping secrets to other characters in the show, the viewer always knows what is going on. You know Peyton Sawyer is always going to be the strongest character on One Tree Hill. You know Blair Waldorf is always going to love Chuck Bass. You know Michael Scott will never fail to make you laugh. The consistency of your favorite characters allows you to love them and feel a connection to them more than real people.

3. They open up and let us in

Like I said before, you always know what you're getting from a character. As the viewer, you know all their secrets. When you know everything about them, you are able to see how vulnerable they are. Their vulnerability helps us feel connected to them. You always know how they are feeling, you watch them cry alone at night and you feel as though you are there for them and you understand how they are feeling. Real people aren't always as willing to open up. You may be best friends with someone for years but you never really know what is going on in their life. It is hard getting close to someone if they won't let you in, unlike fictional characters.

4. They are strong

Some TV characters are the strongest people you will ever "meet". They can teach you a lot and can help you through various situations in your life. Most of them have been through hell and back and have made it out somehow. They have crazy pasts that make us all feel like it is okay to not be perfect. The optimism they hold and portray throughout the show is what gives us hope and inspires our own lives. All of us wish we could have the strength they have, so watching them shows us what is possible.

5. They love hard

There are a lot of relationships throughout everyone's favorite TV shows and if you are anything like me you love cute couples. Seeing your favorite couples go through the ups and downs of their relationships gives you hope for your own. There are so many 'relationship goals' couples on our favorite shows we can't help but want relationships like theirs because they love so hard. Sometimes they can even help you through your own relationship problems better than any real person could because somehow they're going through the exact same thing.

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