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For, uh.... You?
I'm sorry, your name still slips my mind, yet you're still on it, and I need to get this out. Although I cannot remember your name, your face and all you had done for me are unforgettable.
Much of the revolution still is fuzzy, but the only constants are much of my memories with you. You were there when no one else seemed to be. Why is that? Did you know I was still a rich girl even in those rags? Or was it me specifically? I should have known, you were good with reading people, and with me in particular, well... You were definitely interested. I only wish the circumstances were different... Maybe if we'd gotten together before the war, you'd be with me right now, but I guess it's a little late for that.
I remember you being handsome. Right now, I probably shouldn't talk beauty, but you... Okay, fine, so by the city standards, you were plain. You didn't cake yourself, or dress as outrageously as most. Hell, in the outskirts, they'd think you too effeminate, but what do the men there know? Unlike you, I can tell they're scruffy, impolite, ugh, and I thought the people back here were close minded.... Back to you. None of that matters, I think that you're handsome. Now, you certainly must age well. It doesn't matter if I can't see you right now. I know, from looking at you in the past, that you'd age gracefully. Once my latest creation is finished, I hope I'll be able to look into your beautiful blue eyes once more, that is, when I find you...
My apologies, if you remember me, then you know I'm no good with words. I'm not like one of those ancient poets everyone adores so, but... You know they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and whoever said that is right, though from my memories, I can tell I was very fond of you to begin with. It wasn't that way at first... I was pushing you away for whatever reason, but that didn't last. Beyond your looks, you were kind, intelligent, a rebel... Oh, I wish I could remember what was keeping me from you. You remember that night at the window? I was playing a game, making up stories for the people passing by, and you joined me. But soon... I pointed at our reflection. You admitted that you liked me, but you never had the guts to even say hi to me until we were teamed. I told you I was thinking about you, wondered what would have happened if we'd gotten together before, and... how you'd kiss me. Heh, I could tell you were glad to quench my curiosity. You remember that gala, don't you? Surely you do. That night was simply, well, unforgettable. Yeah, I may have had a little to drink at the beginning, but you were there for me... I can't remember what I was rambling about in my drunken cry, but you were quick to comfort me whatever the case... Once I was better, the night seemed to go off without a hitch. You made me feel like a real princess that night, in more ways than one. I dare not go into too much detail, you know who could find this. But, you were there, you loved me in that time of turmoil.
I should tell you I still have that ring of yours. A jeweler friend of mine said it was from some high end collection before the war, with birthstones. Tanzanite she said it was. So, you're a Sagittarius or a Capricorn, no, definitely Sagittarius. You may not have looked like the type, but I remember you always had a certain fire in you, you knew how to make me smile, you were always up for something new. Anyway, you remember I said it was high end? It could have had me set for a few years after the revolution, but I can't bear to part with it. Why? You gave it to me. It's the last piece of you I have.
Which brings me to this... If you loved me so much as I love you, wouldn't you have tried to look for me? Maybe you think I'm dead? No, no, please, rest assured, I'm alive, and back in the city. Or maybe you're dead? No! I can't bear to think of something like that. You have to be alive! I can't lose you... Not after all that's happened. You're one of the few things that's kept me going, even if you weren't physically with me. You can't be gone... Even if you haven't found me, I'll find you with whatever I have, whatever help I can get. I haven't done anything to hurt you, have I? I hope not. If I have, then I am deeply, truly sorry. Whatever may have happened, you should know. I love you with all my heart and would never want you hurt.
I hope we'll find each other again. I know I've said this a few times, but I love you so much.
Yours Eternally,
- Note to self, edit when my or his real name comes to mind