Fiction On Odyssey: The Angel The Flew Away (Part 2)
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Fiction On Odyssey: The Angel The Flew Away (Part 2)

Liam is now far from his normal life, traveling with a girl he doesn't know the name of and finding out what is really going on.

Fiction On Odyssey: The Angel The Flew Away (Part 2)
Unsplash / Maulana

Click here to read part one.

It feels like we've walked for hours and it's still raining. How much water is there in the world for it to rain so much. We are walking through the forest now. The trees tall with branches sagging and the muddy ground wasn't making it easier to walk. The forest looks endless. She keeps looking back at me, probably making sure that I'm still following her. I could run...

"If you even try to run, I will make sure you won't even be able to walk."

My eyes widened. Well... that didn't work out.

It was silent between the girl and I after that mostly because I have no idea how to converse with her. How am I supposed to start a conversation with someone who could kill me? I kept opening and closing my mouth like a fish, not sure if I should even talk. I'll take my chances.

"Where are we going?"

No response. She just kept walking. Okay then.

"How long until we get there?"

Nothing. Not even a glance.

I ran to catch up with her, shivering from the cold. I should've brought another jacket. I look over to her. She is practically flawless. Her hair is now free, ending below her shoulders, sticking to her round face. She has a button nose, a scowl set on her plump lips and freckles that can only be seen from close.

"Take a picture. It will last longer."

I shook out of my trance as she spoke. I didn't think she would even say anything.

"I would, but my phone is out of battery," I say, a small smirk playing on my lips. "You never did tell me your name. I think it's fair since you know mine."

Her face becomes blank. She states emotionlessly,

"Do you ever stop talking?"

"Only when I know what's happening."

I can see her trying not to let her anger show. I stop walking. I knew I was risking myself by not listening to her because she's not human, but I need something to go off of, so I tell her,

"I'm not going anywhere until I get answers."

Taking a deep breath, she stops walking and faces me. I freeze for a second before realizing she's not going to attack. Her hard eyes softened a little as she relaxed. I cross my arms and stand confidently.

"No point. We're already this far. Why ask now?"

She asked with a smirk. I'm stumped. Why hadn't I asked her before?


She hummed and turned around and kept walking.

"At least tell me your name. I have the right to know that."

She just kept walking. Man, she is too stubborn. I began to follow her again.

"I mean, I know we don't know each other that well, but still."

At this point, I know she is ignoring me. I can't help myself; I am curious.

"Will you ever tell me?"

She stops walking, but I keep talking to her.

"It's the least you could do because -"


"you did make me follow you - "

"Liam, stop - "

"to an unknown place and you already know my - "

"Liam, shut up!"

"name, so why - "

Before I could get another word out, she took me by the arms and shot us into the sky. Before I could scream, we landed on a tree branch that seemed stable. She pushed me against the trunk with her hand over my mouth. Her bright blue eyes are focused and hard. My eyes widen at the close proximity and in shock.

"Don't move. "

It was silent. She must have seen my questioning look and replied with,

"We're not the only ones in the forest."

What did she mean? Before I could ask, I hear footsteps. There's definitely more than two people. I couldn't see from where I was standing, but I could hear one of them saying,

"Spread out!"

We stayed in the same position until we heard the group leave. I glanced at her and she removed her hand from my mouth. She looked down. It looked like she is doing a quick search until she looked at me and held out her hand. I stared at it unsure. She gave me an exasperated look,

"Do you want to stay in the tree forever?"

I hesitantly grabbed her hand. She grabbed it firmly before flying into the sky and landing us softly back on the ground. I sat down, not caring if my clothes got dirty, with my head in my hands still processing what just happened. I ran my hand through my wet curls and finally looked at her. She was already looking at me, probably seeing how well I was taking everything in. I let out a shaky breath and asked,

"What's going on?"

She pursed her lips, before replying, almost with pity for me,

"We're being hunted."

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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