Fiction on Odyssey: Catechisms of Reason | The Odyssey Online
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Fiction On Odyssey: The Catechisms Of Reason

Logic and reason are omnipotent.

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virtusincertus / Flickr

Translator Unknown

We, of the constellation Virgo, while feeble in physicality, are superior in mind to our neighbors. As our founder, Empress Mnemosyne Alpha decreed, "Logic and Reason are Omnipotent to all things." That is why we are advanced, why we have avoided wars, whether they be interplanetary or civil, and why our economy has thrived. Thoroughly sound decisions without the need of passion have kept our society alive for millennia.

We are a logical society. Passion, emotion, what poison to our advanced mind. What have emotions done for other worlds? It only serves to make them savage. Decisions on a whim have destroyed entire galaxies. Bouts of anger start wars, hurt innocent people. Sadness leaves people lazy, unable to contribute to their home. Emotions are useless in our lives, they only serve to destroy and interrupt. Unfortunately, there are those afflicted with them. They are to contribute, but never to be put in any important position where critical thinking is required, lest their animalistic minds taint our fair empire. As the males are animals, while females are passionless, we are more capable of running the empire, unless it is proven that a male can do just as well without any primal passion in the way.

We strive to be above our neighbors. While we do not adhere to decisions of "the heart" as they call it, we have the sense of morality. Reason and morality are not mutually exclusive. For instance, slaying is not to be done unless the population is in immediate danger. Other planets have slain, and it has only brought them woe. Even those with emotions are to be kept alive. Those who kill the lesser are proven to be savage and warlike, and those who have proposed the idea have later been slain themselves, whether by their own people or an invading enemy. We will not, even in the most grave of circumstances sink to any savagery.

We are an educated society. All, no matter what the class, gender, afflicted with emotions or not, are guaranteed a good education. All are required to be literate, and able to control one's powers. Education is to be encouraged within all households, no matter the occupation. Those females who wish to dedicate their life to education and the encouragement of Reason are permitted to join the Sisters of Reason. For males, there are the Clerics of Logic. Those without emotions with a keen interest are also encouraged to become scholars. Regardless, lifelong learning is key to our empire's success.

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