College is a huge adjustment. I think the biggest thing I had to adjust to was the amount of free time I have in college compared to what I had in high school. I have found that this free time is both good and bad. It's good for obvious reasons. However, having a ton of free time can lead to some loneliness. When you're in high school, you never have to think about who you're going to hang with in between classes or who you're going to eat lunch with. And when you go home, you go home to your family. In college, however, that all changes and there's much more opportunity to spend time alone. In my freshman year, I learned to take advantage of this time I got to spend by myself, rather than always feeling pressured to find someone to tag along. Here are some things to treat yourself to when you have a free moment:
1. Take yourself out to eat
There are so many people who are embarrassed to eat at the dining hall alone. I used to be the same way, but I have definitely grown out of that.
2.  Get your nails done
This is always a fun way to treat yourself after a long week.
3. Go grocery shopping by yourself
4. Have a movie night in bed
There is nothing better than crawling into bed after a long week. Grab a cup of hot chocolate and put some netflix on your laptop because you deserve it.
5. Go to the gym
Even if I do nothing else during the day other than going to the gym, I still feel accomplished.
6. Have a self-care day
I always thought of hair masks and tweezing and nail painting as chores that needed to be done. However, with a little shift in my attitude, I made these 'chores' into my own little spa day.
7. Clean your room
Just like the gym, even if I don't do anything else during the day except cleaning, it still feels like a productive day.
8. Take a walk to a coffee shop
Getting outside and enjoying the fresh air is always a great way to de-stress. If you don't have plans on a nice day, don't let that keep you inside!