National FFA week is February 17th - 24th, if asked FFA members will tell you proudly. Many schools take part in the national event during school hours and after. FFA week is a major part on how so many schools are able to keep the FFA program alive and well. Without the fun activities, team bonding, community involvement, and school knowledge most FFA clubs would not be able to survive. I know for a fact that many schools don't think that FFA is as important as the arts, sports, and other clubs; but little do they know that FFA is the largest nonprofit student organization in the nation.
I grew up in a small town with a bunch of hicks, hillbillies, and white trash as other schools called us; yet we have the biggest FFA club in the state of Iowa with one teacher. Many of the members of the club in my school all got started because either our parents or friends all ready in the club told us to join. I never knew that FFA would be such a huge impact in my life and future career. I believe that FFA deserves many thank you's from me and others and here are the reasons why.
Thank you to FFA for teaching me how to be able to public speak in front of large crowds and not get as nervous and scared as others would be. Public speaking skills are now crucial for many jobs in agriculture and other careers.
Thank you to FFA for giving me friends for the rest of my life. Having something common with friends is the most important thing yet having FFA in common brings it to a whole new level. You are able to talk about your advisor's crazy rules, nationals trip, Washington D.C drive with 2000 other kids, your favorite memories of FFA week.
Thank you to FFA for making me respect all the farmers in the fields at 2:00 am busting their butts to make harvest before the rain. I now understand why dad wasn't always able to make it to supper, sport events, and family gathers due to the farm needing him before us.
Thank you to FFA for teaching me valuable life lessons I wouldn't learn in a desk with a teacher yelling at us about the history on English. I learned how to grow crops without dirt, change oil in my car, talking face-to-face with adults about big topics, and selling something to people they didn't know they needed.
Thank you to FFA for making me wear the most questionable outfit of all time and being so proud and honored to wear it. The blue corduroy, white collared shirt, black skirt, and heals was the best and worst outfit to wear depending on the weather. In the blazing heat the corduroy created more heat and in the blistering cold did nothing to keep us warm. Yet anyone that was in FFA would jump to the opportunity to wear the national blue and corn gold in a heart beat.
Finally, thank you to FFA for being such an amazing organization so many kids are apart of. From family generations who have all been apart of will all agree that FFA was the best club to be apart of in high school and was so hard to leave after graduation.