Perhaps it isn’t the best day outside, or maybe it’s too humid to go to the beach or sit by the pool, what do you do? Many people might stay inside and relax all day, but others might say it’s the perfect excuse to go shopping. Most people enjoy going shopping because it’s a chance to spend some time alone, or maybe even spend time with people maybe you haven’t seen for some time. What many people don’t understand, however, is perspective from those on the other side of the counter.
Granted there are people who choose to work retail on purpose, there are those who do not. What a lot of people need to take into consideration is how they treat employees, because trust me, we deal with a lot more than you may think.
1. There is nothing worse than witty comments. If the item you’re purchasing isn’t scanning, no, it is not free.
We may laugh and smile, but we promise you that we’ve heard this joke over 100 times already today, at least.
2. If I can’t give you more than one coupon, I can’t give you more than one coupon.
It’s company policy, and I’m just doing my job. So instead of giving me attitude and asking to speak with a manager whose going to say the exact same thing I did, please understand if I could, I would. But I can’t.
3. As employees, our job is to help you, not clean up after you.
Instead of holding a shirt up just to throw it back on the pile, leaving your trash on our fixtures, or ripping stacks apart just to change your mind and say “it’s their job”, understand that we do this all day… everyday. Stores have employees to help you, not slave over ignorance.
4. I’m not asking for your information to annoy you, I’m asking you because I am required too.
So instead of asking “why do you need my information, what are you doing with that?” and giving me dirty looks, you could politely decline and we could both move on with our lives, or you could give it to me and ask for emails to be turned off. Or unsubscribe later.
5. Please keep your receipt if you plan on doing a return.
Simple as that.
6. Just because we work in retail doesn’t mean we aren’t educated.
Yes, I may be half your age but I know what I’m doing. Like myself, most of my coworkers are in school, and we’re working over the summer to save up some money. Please refrain from looking down on us when you're finishing up your purchase and something may not be discounted as it should be, it’s not our faults.
7. Talking on the phone or texting while checking out is just plain rude.
We’re more than happy to greet you and ask how your shopping experience was, but ignoring me to have a conversation on the phone that probably could have waited is just disrespectful. We’re human beings too.
8. We have absolutely no control over the pricing on the items.
No, not everything in store may be on sale or on clearance. No, I can’t give you a special coupon because it’s full price.
9. If you wear something and wash it, don’t try to return it.
Enough said.
10. When it’s busy, cut us some slack.
Most of us work upwards of 8 or 9 hour shifts, I’m sure you can imagine all the things we deal with in those hours.
11. The fitting rooms…
Please avoid taking your shirt off in the middle of the sales floor, please. That is why we have fitting rooms.
12. If you choose to use the fitting room, leave it as if you would your own closet.
Some days we have people filing in and out of the fitting rooms, so do us a favor and don’t leave items you don’t want in the room, I’m sure the next person wouldn’t want it there anymore than you would.
13. Control your spawn.
We’re retail employees, not personal shopper-babysitters.
14. When we’re ready to help you, we’ll call you to our register.
Please don’t just walk up to someone behind the counter and dump your clothes in front of us. There’s an 85/15 percent chance we’re doing something at the moment.
15. If we close at 9, we close at 9.
We count down the minutes until close, so please don’t walk in at 8:50 and expect to be there a while.
16. We’re humans too.
It’s the golden rule, you should treat everybody the way you would want to be treated.