As CofC'ers, we get a little bit of a break, seeing as we have Thanksgiving break in between, but this just means the next two weeks leading up to vacation will be filled with stress and cramming. I'm going to keep this short and sweet, as you probably have a lot of studying to do (as do I). Here are a few things I think it's important for all college students to keep in mind during this time of year.
1) It's not the end of the world. I'm one of the craziest over-thinkers on the planet, so I need to remind myself of this a lot. If I screw up one little test, or skip one class to catch up on much needed sleep, it's not that big a deal in the scheme of things. I think it's a difficult thing to remember, but we have to put things in perspective. Mental health always should be your priority.
2) Everyone's in the same boat. Misery loves company, right? So instead of moping around in bed, counting down the minutes until winter break, grab your friends, roommates, whoever, and motivate each other together! Hint- I always retain the most information when teaching someone else the material I also need to know.
3) Take a breath, have fun. Hey, I'm a senior in college- while grades matter just as much as they always have, this is also my last chance to go to mixers with my sorority, hit up bar deals on Tuesday nights, and dance on tables with my friends. Find a balance- all work and no play makes a person miserable.
4) Focus on the endgame. In just two short weeks, we'll all have a much needed 5-day vacation- whether you're going home, staying in Charleston, or whatever else, make sure to use this time to de-stress and count yo' blessings!