As I sift through the forgotten papers in the archives of my bedroom, I feel the room shrink. As it empties itself of my belongings, packing them away into suitcases and boxes, I too feel like I am being shipped away. The excitement I have for college is beginning to trump the anxiety I feel for it. However, it is the nostalgia I feel for everyone that I am leaving behind that truly weakens my heart.
Growing up in a town like East Brunswick sets you up with a cyclic routine. There is as much comfort in it's predictability as there is monotony. Patterned with cold brews and tacos, my summer days flew by effortlessly. Good food and good friends, and not much else in between. Soon we will all be freshman again, taking college by storm, and leaving only our high school memories and insecurities in our wakes. As we embark on these next few tumultuous years without one another physically by the other’s side, I wish to leave you with a few parting words:
Thank you for accepting me as I am but always telling me when I could be and do so much better. Wanting to “fit in” as a high school teenager seems important, but you never made me feel like I needed to change myself. My mannerisms and quirks were wholeheartedly embraced (or at the least tolerated) and I couldn't be more grateful that I was given the chance to be my own person without judgement. We never set standards for what a person should be, so we never needed to change or mold ourselves to fit those standards. All that mattered was that we had an affinity for ourselves, as individuals, for all our accomplishments.
Thank you for teaching me resilience in the darkest of circumstances. No one can deny that high school years can be rough. We all faced our own adversities, whether they were personal, social, emotional, or academic. However, it is only through your support, unwavering trust, and humor that I was able to overcome every obstacle. I never thought I could ever feel so much motivation and inspiration from a supposed “ordinary” group of people, but I know now that you all are far from ordinary--as were the memories we made together. Thank you for the full bodied laughs, philosophical conversations, caustic sarcasm, genuine warmth, and an overall unforgettable high school experience.
Even though I will be traveling farther and farther from all of the people that have been so foundational to my growth, I feel as if I am closer and closer to being the best version of myself, all thanks to you.