What To Wear To Your Favorite Festivals This Season | The Odyssey Online
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What To Wear To Your Favorite Festivals This Season

Best festival looks to rock this season.

What To Wear To Your Favorite Festivals This Season
Kylie Homes

Coachella, EDC, Burning Man, oh my!

Another new year means another round of festivals and concerts. If you’re a festie person like me, you’re already saving money and intricately planning what festivals to go to and who to see. Some of you may just be dressing in whatever is comfortable and can fit in a carry-on duffel, but I know for sure that there are the few who plan their outfit for each day to the smallest details — you’re my people.

As if enjoying the sun, friends, and music isn’t enough, my favorite part of any festival is the outfits. These are places where you can wear whatever you want however you want without judgment. You could be the furriest, most colorfully dressed person in the crowd, or you can summon demons in all black with a pentagon on your chest, plus everything in between (or nothing at all).

After going to a few festivals and shows, you start to spot trends that show-goers seem to gravitate towards.

So, for you first-time festies, here are some ideas on how to dress-to-impress this festival season:

1. The T-shirt outfit

This is probably one of my favorite out of all the outfit concoctions. Mainly because you can be cute and comfy at the same time. All you really need is a T-shirt that fits the theme of whatever show/concert you may be at.

When I go to raves, I usually use bright colors or something with contrast. That way when you’re dancing, the colored lights pop off your outfit and make you look that much better when you’re dancing. To complete the look, I like to add fishnets or leg wraps underneath. My favorite tight-trend right now are the fishnets and hosiery with little gems on them! To further this combo you could add bandanas, Kandi (the bracelets/necklaces commonly seen at raves) or glitter.

Never forget the glitter.

2. The two-piecer

I like this outfit due to its simplicity and the availability to wear it over and over again. They’re also really easy to find since two-pieces are still trending. There are also so many to choose from, it’s easy to find an outfit to match the vibes of whatever destination you go to.

Accessorize this piece like any other with body chains, necklaces, rings, and bracelets. I’ve also found that flash tattoos work really well with this look! They draw attention to you and your outfit which is sure to turn heads in the crowd

3. The flow

If I wasn’t so short, this may be my favorite look. Anything flowy usually doesn’t fit me because it's so long, but to all of you 5’7” and up ladies out there, this look is definitely for you.

Bell sleeved shirts are very in right now in the festival apparel world. The flowing, sparkling materials they use make you look flawless and elegant when you’re running around the fairgrounds. I’m also OBSESSED with these new wraparound maxi skirts they are coming out with! These are cool because the fabric is usually slit into three or four pieces that are attached to the belt. The slits help with movement and, of course, the flow of the fabric.

4. The body hottie

Bodysuits are deemed a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it saves the time of tucking shirts into bottoms, and they also make you look great. And a curse because when you need to pee, you basically have to strip down naked in a public restroom and get yourself all redressed. Even though that’s so, they’re still one of the simplest, easiest festival outfits you can wear.

Once you’ve found your bodysuit, you’re basically set! Most of the time, no pants are needed and, honestly, no pants are the best pants. What really makes the outfit is how you accessorize it. This can be done with any hosiery or leg wraps, flash tattoos, Kandi, gloves, face jewels, anything really!

But one of my new favorite accessories is the hood. They now have all of these really awesome hoods that you can buy at sites like iheartraves.com, dollskill.com, and blackdiamond.com, that have cool patterns and colors on them. These are great for shielding out the sun or protecting your hair from the inevitable rat’s nest that will appear on top of your head in the morning.

Hopefully, whatever festival you’re going to will be amazing, and I hope that you also get 101 pictures of your outfits and favorite DJs.

Enjoy safely, little festies!

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