'Feminists are not Man-Haters' | The Odyssey Online
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'Feminists are not Man-Haters'

Emma Watson clarifies this touchy subject.

'Feminists are not Man-Haters'

On my first day in one of my Communications courses this year, the professor asked us to raise our hands if we consider ourselves Feminists. About three people in the class raised their hands. I kept mine down. I never associated myself with this term because I thought it implied I was against men or too aggressively interested in the empowerment of women. In fact, a great deal of the female population view this word the same way as I did.

However, after watching a speech given by Emma Watson, who is now a newly appointed U.N. Women Goodwill  Ambassador, my opinion of the word suddenly changed. I realized that I am a Feminist after all. This speech gave me clarity on what Feminism actually is, and why it has been a subject avoided by women. Watson explains here:

"Why has the word become such an unpopular one? I think it is right I am paid the same as my male counterparts. I think it is right that I should make decisions about my own body. I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and decisions that affect my life. I think it is right that socially, I am afforded the same respect as men." 

If this is not influential, I do not know what is. We should not be turning our heads on this word because of what men may think. In fact, men should be advocating for Feminism just as much as women. This would not make them seem any weaker in women's eyes. It only makes us equal. This is why Watson introduces the "HeForShe" campaign, which has an aim to motivate boys and men to help stop inequality and unfairness among genders.

It is important to note that we are not only striving for a change in the way women are viewed, but how men are as well. Men are grouped into this stereotype of having to be macho and insensitive, which automatically places women in a place to be acquiescent, meek, or unassertive. This is why "HeForShe" is a campaign for both men and women. There must be a unity between all people and an ambition that is unstoppable to create change.

I know what you are thinking, and Watson knows it too. Towards the end of her speech, she brought up the fact that people would be wondering, "Who is this Harry Potter girl?" and "What is she doing up on stage at the U.N.?" Well, the fact is, she is just a woman who believes in equality and trusts that with the help of all people, change and equality are inevitable. The standing ovation at the end of her speech was a sign of a successful deliverance and a gesture that promises a change for the future.

What can you do to stop gender inequality? 

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