Today, I read an article about the fact that I am not equal. They say sorry and that's probably the reason it bothered me the most. Like, "Sorry you have all of these rights. Sorry that you can vote, drive, keep your genitals, and own land. Sorry, you live in a great country where you most likely won't have acid thrown in your face. Sorry that the government won't give you free handouts for being a woman."
I am not a feminist and I get attacked for that all of the time. By feminists. They think that because I'm not a feminist, I don't appreciate all the women before me. Well, I do. I am so thankful to live in a country like the United States. I'm so thankful to vote and own land and not have to worry about my safety. Then when I do worry about it, I can get a gun.
If you are being abused by a spouse or boyfriend, get a gun.
So let me tell you this one more time. I am not a victim. YOU are not a victim. If you're upset that the government won't let you get an abortion but want them to pay for your birth control and Plan B, know that you can't have both. You don't want to be just sexual organs, yet you wear "pussy hats" and dress up as large vaginas.
So no, I'm not scared of the word pussy. It is classy to fight for equality, just not dressed as a vagina. It's great that you're standing up for what you believe in, but what about those women in third world countries? Why don't you go fight for their equality?
I found this website called Future Female Leaders of America. It promotes young, conservative women in whatever they want to do in life. I've had multiple cabinet members follow on twitter. We all have different backgrounds and ideas for the future and everyone accepts them. They are hands down the most empowering women that I've talked to. Some liberal friends? Not so much.
So if you're upset that Planned Parenthood is being defunded stop standing around. Go volunteer. Donate money. I know that there are a lot of people that do that, but I also know that there are even more people that just want to handouts.
"I get it. You want to feel empowered. You don't want to believe that you're oppressed. Because that would mean you are indeed a "second-class citizen."
"But don't worry. We will walk for you. We will fight for you. We will stand up for you." This is why I feel so torn down by the feminist movement. I fight for what I believe in. In fact, I do. Only I donate my time and money to "ag"-vocating. Because in my mind, agriculture is a little - or a lot - more important than free birth control and getting paid maternity leave. Why? Because those women do twice as many jobs while pregnant and then bring their child to work.
You keep telling me to worry but you're making me feel like I am nothing. Like all I am able to do is cook, clean, and raise children. Which I can if I want to. That's my choice. But I am so far from nothing. I'm smart. I'm empowered. I am talented. I am funny. I am a conservative that was apparently not welcome at Women's March on Washington.
Isn't tearing women down the opposite of what your movement stands for? Aren't you trying to empower women? Because I don't feel very empowered by feminism.
You can do anything you want. If you want to become a president, do it. If you want to become a CEO of a company, do it. Why? Because you can.
The future is female, but only because we will be busy behind the scene getting things done while you tell us we aren't good enough during your marches.