Feminism can be defined by Webster's Dictionary as, “The advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men."
Why is everyone so afraid of this word?
I have to admit, it took me awhile to say the words “I am a feminist” out loud and to other people. But why? Why must women and men who support equality be afraid to admit that? Equality is a beautiful thing, and it is something that we as a society should strive for! I don’t see what is so wrong about wanting equality for ALL genders, but that might just be me.
I know there are people who take it too far, but why let the few ruin it for the many? Just because I am a feminist does not mean that I don’t like makeup or bras. I wear makeup and a bra and I still consider myself a feminist. You can see why the world needs feminism everywhere you look. Looking at the headlines of popular new sites and TV commercials (looking at you, Carl’s Jr. There is no reason to use breasts to sell burgers, just saying), and the infamous “Meninist” Twitter accounts are just the tip of the iceberg. For everyone who doesn't know, a “meninist” is someone who SUPPORTS feminist ideals, not someone who opposes them.
Now that I am comfortable with telling the whole world I am a feminist, I encourage all those in the feminist closet to come out! It is great out here! I know it takes time, and a lot of thinking, but in the end it is worth it.
To those out there that think all feminists are bra-burning, man-hating, non-armpit-shaving, lesbian-women-studies-majors, please do your research. Some of the most beautiful women on this planet are feminists (Emma Watson, enough said). There are so many lessons that our world needs to learn, and one of them is that feminism is NOT a dirty word.