Often times when you are any kind of activist, people in opposition of your beliefs think that you are trying to gain more power than them, when in fact the goal is just equality. Most opposers also believe that when you are fighting for something, it only fits within the confines of your own character, but feminists fight for rights of all women, whether they face the same struggles or not. I am not a feminist because I want to be able to walk around freely without a bra on or have free feminine products (though that would be awesome) but because there are REAL problems that women face daily that are undeniable and something men will never have to face in their life.
Female genital mutilation: When a male is circumcised it is often for prevention of many health problems. When a woman is circumcised there is absolutely no health benefits and can actually lead to many health problems. Circumcision of women is known as female genital mutilation or FGM. What is FGM you may be asking, well it is the removal or repositioning of the clitoris and labia minora. This is often done in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The argument of FGM performers is that it prevents premarital sex and increases marriageability; when in fact, it is just a violation of their rights as a human. They are preforming FGM to “help” these young girls when they are only hurting them.
Education: There are still places in this world where women are not granted the same education as men, if they even receive any education at all. This just further increases the oppression of women in these areas. Keep them ignorant so they cannot see what wrongs are actually being done to them. The ability to gain knowledge should be something attainable for everyone in this world.
Rape: When you get shot no one asks you what you were wearing, what you said to the shooter before he did it, or if the shooter is someone you have interacted with physically before. No one says well maybe he just misunderstood, there is no way he shot you on purpose. BUT when you get raped, it is often a poor reflection of the person shot instead of the shooter. I am not saying rape only effects women but it is nine times more likely for a woman to get raped than a man. Victims of rape often do not come forward for the fear of their stories getting discounted and people’s perceptions of them changing. We need to stop blaming and interrogating the victims and start recognizing the fault of the rapists. Women have been taught to dress “appropriately,” to not be too friendly, and to not walk alone at night; yet rape is still happening. Let’s start telling boys to respect women, to not treat them like an item, and oh yeah, maybe teach them NOT TO RAPE.
I am a feminist. Not because these are issues that face me directly every day, but because these are issues that face women as a whole. We are not searching for matriarchy, we are simply searching for basic human rights. The narrative about feminism needs to change. We are not women who are just a little too entitled, we are women looking to influence social change around the world. So your idea of me walking around without a shirt on spitting in the faces of men who do not bow before me is not quite the case. I am sorry if some people who claim to be feminists had the wrong idea, and changed your perception of us all. I only gave you three reasons why EVERYONE should be a feminist, but there are many more that I did not highlight. I challenge you to join the movement; because we can do it without you, but it would be much easier with you.
“When men are oppressed, it’s a tragedy. When women are oppressed, it’s tradition.” – Letty Cottin Pogrebin