I'm not here to state my political views in detail. Not that they are a secret, there's just enough of that going around.
I'm here to tell you that I didn't vote for Obama just because he's black. And I'm not going to vote for Hillary just because she's a woman.
A lot of women have heard a woman is running for president and that's all they need to know. That's who they are voting for. A lot of women think they truly can't be a feminist without voting for Hillary. They feel that if they don't vote for a potential female president, that it will somehow negate their feminist ideas.
The whole point about being a feminist is gaining equality. How is voting for a woman just because she's a woman encouraging equality?
In 1921, and for years prior, women worked their butts off in order to get women the right to vote and voice their opinions. They argued that we, as women, are able to be knowledgable and care about what is happening in our country, and take it seriously, and that we want to be active members in society. If we vote for Hillary just because she has boobs, we are saying the exact opposite.
I'm not saying to vote for Hillary. I'm not saying to vote for Trump. I'm saying whoever you vote for, you must vote for them based on how you see them running our country. You can't vote for someone based on their gender.
If we vote for Hillary because she's a woman, we are just as bad as the men out there who don't vote for Hillary simply because she's a woman.
I would not say a man is sexist if he doesn't vote for Hillary as long as he has other reasons for not voting for her other than her XY chromosomes. I will not say a woman is a poor feminist if she doesn't vote for Hillary, either.
I would love to see a woman be president. I think so many women are capable of it. I'm sure some women could have ran his country way better than some of our past men presidents.
Gender has nothing to do with how well a person can run a large business. It has nothing to do with how well one does in school. It also has nothing to do with how someone would run a country.
We need to remember that when voting, the whole point is to pick someone we feel can run our country. It's not a tool we can use to push women ahead of the game. Let's empower women by telling them that their opinions matter. That their votes matter.
Someday, Hillary or not, we will have a kick-butt female president and that makes me excited. It makes me even more excited to think about a female becoming president based on her status, abilities, strength and determination instead of her gender.