5 Feminist TV Shows To Add To Your Watch List | The Odyssey Online
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5 Feminist TV Shows To Add To Your Watch List

For those who are following the news and could use some good female empowerment.

5 Feminist TV Shows To Add To Your Watch List

Despite the century that has passed since women won the right to vote, women's equality in society is anything but fixed. Even today, women must fight to be seen as human beings. So, for those of us getting a little frustrated with the stasis of today's traditional values, here are some TV series to soothe our turbulent souls.

1. Handmaid's Tale


This dystopian (and almost realistic) series explores what would happen if women were enslaved due to the need of fertile women during a population crisis.

2. Gilmore Girls


This is my favorite TV show of all time. Not only does it explore a really witty relationship between mother and daughter, but it reminds us all that a woman doesn't need a man to be fabulous!

3. Mamma Mia (1&2)


This is not a TV series per se, but I think Donna and Sophie teach us all some valuable lessons: a woman's sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of, and our own ingenuity is all we need.

4. Victoria


Queen Victoria was a headstrong and stubborn monarch who led by example. She did not ask permission but instead demanded respect, despite being a woman surrounded by men who, if they could, would have bulldozed over her to take charge.

5. Miranda


This British comedy may be a little harder to find, however, it shows the realistic woman. Not the skinny actress who is constantly put together, knows exactly what to say, and solves every problem. This show is full of hilarious fails and word vomit, but it is so endearing all the same!

There is something here for every woman, and more importantly, the watcher herself! Take heart lady lions, and let your roar be heard!

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