What is Feminism?
Like a lot of things in today’s world, the definition of feminism has been bent out of proportion and changed by word of mouth. I hear people calling themselves feminists because “they hate men” or because “women overpower men.” I’m so sick of hearing this. This is one of those instances where you need to do your research before you start preaching something that you know nothing about.
In the Merriam Webster Dictionary, Feminism is defined as “the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.” The key word in this definition is equality. People are getting their definitions mixed up. See, a person that hates men is called a misandrist or you could say they are exercising misandry. Some people need to stop preaching that they are feminists and realize they are actually a misandrist.
The word feminism is misleading. Because yes, it sounds like it is implying that women are higher up than men and it’s only about women but it’s not. In 1837, Charles Fourier, a French philosopher created the term ‘feminism.’ He created it because he thought women were treated like slaves by not allowing them to vote, work the same job a man did, or even get the same pay. A woman was to be married to a man and run the household of a man in Fourier’s time.
The word ‘feminism’ is more focused on women because it’s going for equality with men. Were not trying to be higher up than men or say women are better than men. We are trying to make it so they aren’t lessers. The women are the one’s being pushed down, denied, and rejected not the men and that’s why it focuses more on the feminine. We want to build the word feminine up not tear a man down to make it equal.
So yes, it’s called feminism because women need to be raised up to where the men are in today’s society. Feminism or being a Feminist isn’t about belittling men and tearing them down, it’s about them being on the same level as us and accepting it. It’s time to make room.