Identifying as a feminist and being in a sorority may seem like a contradiction. Don't chapters pick their members based on looks? Do they not make every girl dress and act a certain way? Isn't Greek life all about putting others down? These are many misconceptions people may have about sororities and they were exact thoughts I had when coming to college. I soon found out that a chapter can have many positive impacts on their members and they foster a community that endorses feminism.
I have identified as a feminist for as long as I knew what the ideals were, but not every member of a chapter may feel that way. Many women do not use the term to identify themselves, but they still continue to empower others and help fellow women.
The definition of feminism, according to Merriam-Webster, is "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes" and "organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests." In a sorority the members help others, even in other chapters, strive in their interests and activities. I think we all truly want our sisters to do their very best and we support them to do so, thus endorsing feminist ideals. Also we show others on our campuses that women can be leaders and make an impact in our community. Many leaders on campus are in a sorority because their sisters give them the confidence to try for these positions and the push to do well in them.
Also being in a sorority can boost a girl's confidence and help them grow. Being among women, both younger and older, can teach a girl so many new things and help her confidence in herself grow. Knowing you have such a strong bond with so many other women in this positive environment can make you feel as if you can do anything.
My chapter, just as an example, pushes each and every member to succeed in their education and become active on campus in a wide variety of things outside of Greek life. We also are all each others cheerleaders whenever someone may need it. I have found nothing but love and support from my sisters and I do not know what more could endorse feminism. We lift each other up and strive to help each other be the best versions of ourselves and I cannot be more lucky to be able to call myself such amazing women's sister.