Feminist Are Still Needed | The Odyssey Online
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Feminist Are Still Needed

Feminist are still needed in today's society as there are threats to women's rights

Feminist Are Still Needed
Diverse World Fashion

In today's day and age, feminism is still a thing that we need. With the current threat to women's rights to abortions, the glass ceiling, and feminist roles in the LGBTQ community, feminism is still needed. Feminists make a difference in the community, not only for women but for men too. Feminists want rights for women, but they also just want equal rights.

On December 3rd, 2016, Ohio Governor (R), John Kasich signed a bill banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Given that it's five months of pregnancy, it's still going against a woman's right to have an abortion. I personally know someone who didn't know they were even pregnant until they were four months pregnant as they weren't having any signs of pregnancy and she was still menstruating. Taking away a woman's right to an abortion is taking away a woman's right to her body. If a woman doesn't want to have a baby, she shouldn't have to be forced to carry one. With the bill that was signed on December 3rd, the bill doesn't give any exceptions to rape or incest. Feminists are needed to keep fighting for the woman's right to continue to have an abortion. President-elect Donald Trump has threatened to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The glass ceiling is still a thing, also. The glass ceiling is basically a barrier that keeps women from succeeding just because they are women. There is currently still a pay gap in the United States. In 2014, the pay gap was 21.4 percent. The median annual salary for a woman in 2014 was $39,621 and the median annual salary for a man was $50,383. With the glass ceiling still prevalent, feminists are needed to keep fighting for that wage gap to be closed.

Feminists also fight for the rights of LGBTQ people. The LGBTQ community has been largely supported by feminists as they support the rights of their fellow women. A large group of feminists also support other minorities and push to further them. Feminists have largely supported the right for gays to marry.

Although there are some women who give feminists a bad name, real feminists don't want to be superior to men, they just want to have equal rights as men and have a say of what they can and can't do with their bodies. Feminists are for the advancement of women and minorities.

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