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20 Feminist Anthems by Some Badass Females

Amazing songs by amazing artists and bands

20 Feminist Anthems by Some Badass Females

There are a lot of great female artists and bands with leading females and their songs become amazing female anthems. These songs are great to get ready for a night out to because it can put you in a badass mood. Here are 20 feminist anthems you should check out.

Cherry Bomb- The Runaways


Cherry Bomb is by The Runaways, an iconic girl band consisting of Joan Jett and Cherie Currie from the late 1970s. Cherry Bomb is one of their hit songs with Cherie Currie singing the lead. This song is one of the most iconic badass female songs.

She's A Nightmare- Honeyblood


She's A Nightmare is by Honeyblood, a Scottish indie rock artist Stina Tweeddale. She's A Nightmare is a badass rock song that is a great feminist anthem.

A Little Wicked- Valerie Broussard


A Little Wicked is by Valerie Broussard, a musical artist who sings dance/electronic music. A Little Wicked is featured in the tv series The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and has some badass lyrics. "No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne," is one of the best lyrics in the song.

Goddess- BANKS


Goddess is by BANKS, an American singer and songwriter Jillian Banks. This song talks about a woman being a goddess, making it a badass female anthem.

Blood In The Cut- K.Flay


Blood In The Cut is by K.Flay, an American singer and songwriter. Blood In The Cut has a badass sound to it and the lyrics make it a badass female song to listen to.

Missile- Dorothy


Missile is by Dorothy, an American rock band whose lead singer is named Dorothy Martin. Their album Rock is Dead is badass especially their song Missile. The lyrics "Love is destruction but this war is mine," is a badass line.

S.L.U.T- Bea Miller


S.L.U.T is by Bea Miller, an American singer and songwriter. The song S.L.U.T is making fun of slut shaming by changing the derogative term to something positive saying "Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing."

You Should See Me In A Crown- Billie Eilish


You Should See Me In A Crown is by Billie Eilish, an American singer and songwriter who is known for her aesthetically pleasing music. You Should See Me In A Crown is a badass female anthem with a dark twist.

Kiss With A Fist- Florence & The Machine


Kiss With A Fist is by Florence + The Machine, an English indie rock band with the lead singer Florence Welch. Kiss With A Fist has a badass sound and creates a great badass female vibe.

Power- Little Mix


Power is by Little Mix, a British girl group who have created great feminist anthems such as Power. This group is proof that there can be a good girl pop group with a strong bond. They have became great role models.

Glory and Gore- Lorde


Glory and Gore is by Lorde, a New Zealand singer and songwriter. Lorde is very talented and makes aesthetically pleasing music. Glory and Gore gives a more badass female take to the aesthetically pleasing song.

Heaven Knows- The Pretty Reckless


Heaven Knows is by The Pretty Reckless, an American rock band with the lead singer being Taylor Momsen. The Pretty Reckless is known to have some pretty badass and dark songs, Heaven Knows is one of those songs.

Just A Girl- No Doubt


Just A Girl is by No Doubt, an American rock band formed in the late 80's with the lead singer Gwen Stefani. Just A Girl is a classic and iconic feminist anthem, talking about how females are seen as "just a girl" and how we are so tired of it.

Bubblegum Bitch- Marina and The Diamonds


Bubblegum Bitch is by Marina and The Diamonds, Marina is a Welsh singer and songwriter who is known for her unique indie pop. Bubblegum Bitch is about being a badass female and has feminist aesthetic.

Problem- Natalia Kills


Problem is by Natalia Kills, an English singer and songwriter. Problem consists of the lyrics "that girl is a problem" and has a badass sound that makes it a feminist anthem.

Lightening Field- Sneaker Pimps


Lightening Field is by Sneaker Pimps, a British trip hop band with the lead singer Kelli Ali. This song is a badass female anthem with the lyrics saying "Strike me down; I'll be everything I'm not," essentially saying if you push a good person so far they will be everything they are not and strike back.

This Baby Don't Cry- K.Flay


This Baby Don't Cry is another song by K.Flay from her new album. This song is a fun feminist anthem saying "this baby don't cry," becoming another feminist anthem by the artist K.Flay.

Control- Halsey


Control is by Halsey, an American singer and songwriter known for her dark pop. Control is a badass and eerie sounding song that makes it a badass female song. The lyrics saying "you should be scared of me" creates this aesthetic that some of Halsey's songs have.

Bird Set Free- Sia

Bird Set Free is by Sia, an Australian singer and songwriter known for her interesting music videos and secret persona. Sia is a very interesting and badass female. Her songs always have so much meaning such as bird set free. It's saying she doesn't care what people think, she is free and will fight for the life she wants.

God Is A Woman- Ariana Grande


God Is A Woman is by Ariana Grande, an American singer and songwriter. God is a Woman is a badass feminist anthem with the line "god is a woman."

I hope you enjoyed this list of badass female songs and check out the artists and bands mentioned. Stay badass and know you are a beautiful, strong and independent woman.

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