Everyone who has access to television or the internet has seen the photographs, the articles and the videos of feministic protests that have arisen due to the recent presidential election. Having seen these posts, I’m sure you have also read, and/or contributed to the terrible, dehumanizing comments that have been posted beneath them.
Lately, I have seen more media about how bad feminism is as compared to how great it is. I think it’s time that us Feminists clear the air: “feminism” is not synonymous with “radicalism”, we are simply just passionate about our rights and fighting for our equality.
Let me start out by saying one thing- I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and everyone has the right to the freedom of speech and press. With this being said, there have been a lot of articles published both on the Odyssey and other publishing sites about how “terrible” or “overrated” it is to be a feminist .
I would like to clear the air - what most people associate with feminism often isn’t true. Feminism is NOT believing that women are superior to men. Feminism is NOT blaming men for every problem that we, as women, may endure. Feminism is NOT complaining that we cannot play in the NFL, like our male counterparts. Feminism IS believing that women can do and should be allowed to do the same things as men. Feminism IS realizing that women have been continually shamed, and put to the side in our society since the beginning of time. Feminism IS speaking up and marching for those before us who couldn’t, and for those in the present who still can’t. Feminism IS being proud of our gender, and being brave enough to stand up for ourselves. Feminism IS making ourselves be heard, even when they try to ignore us.
Feminists are nearly forced to organize the marches, carry the signs, and wear the t-shirts because nobody listens otherwise. If men and women everywhere, whether it be government officials, business leaders, or lawmakers would listen to women, and give them the equal opportunity to voice their opinions, millions of women and men alike would not have to fill the streets holding signs, shouting out what they believe, all with tears in their eyes. But until our voices are heard every day, by everyone, we DO have to organize protests of measures that cannot be ignored. Just because one person who identifies themselves as a feminist has an opinion that you don’t agree with, doesn’t mean they all have terrible ideas. Just because one person who identifies themselves as a feminist does something radical, doesn’t mean that all feminists are radical.
There is nothing more annoying to a Feminist than hearing “Stop complaining, don’t you remember how bad ladies had it a couple of decades ago? Women have more opportunities than ever before.” YES. We know that women now have more opportunities than ever before- but how do you think they obtained these opportunities? Someone, somewhere, had to stand up, and speak out for women. We do realize the progress that women have made, and we ARE proud of our accomplishments, and that is why we will CONTINUE to make progress. Yes, as a female millennial, I have grown up with more opportunities than my great grandmother, my grandmother and even my mother. But I want my little cousins, my younger sister, and my future daughters to grow up with even more opportunities than I did, and that is nothing to be ashamed of. I take pride in being a feminist, and you should too.
Not all feminists are female. Not all feminists are lesbian. Not all feminists share the exact same ideas. Not all feminists refuse to shave their armpits. Not all feminists refuse to wear a bra. Not all feminists participate in protests. But, some are and some do, and that is okay. It is NOT okay to criticize and dehumanize anyone for what they believe, and further more, for standing up for it.