Feminism. This buzz word that has been thrown around a lot lately. Feminism was created as a movement that fought for the rights of women.
There was a time when women were not respected, even as human beings. Many women before us spent so much time trying to give us the rights that we deserved, not necessarily just as women but as human beings.
Women are incredible, I am one I would know. But when the feminism movement began it was not actually to make us equal to men because if we are all being honest, men and women are not the same. We aren't supposed to be.
If men and women were the same, imagine how boring our society would be. There would be nothing special that would distinguish us. I love being a woman because I can do a whole lot that men cannot, but in the same way men can do things I can't.
Why would I want to? This great feminist movement was not trying to say that we were the same, it was trying to celebrate the differences. Why is it that when women have children they are looked down upon by the society? Why is it that being a stay at home mom is some atrocity against women? Women were given the ability to do whatever they want in this life. Why is it suddenly so wrong to do the things we have been doing all along?
If anything, being a mother is one of the most beautiful things we could do, so why would we turn our backs on that? Children are the most precious beings in the universe and while women started trying to be men, children lost their importance to so many people. Be a feminist, but do it for the future generations, don't do it so you can do whatever you want, because you already can.
Stop looking at the world around you as something owed to you because it's not. Being a woman does not give you the right to have everything given to you, because that is not equality, that's special treatment. The true feminists are the ones who stood up for themselves, and got the rights they deserved as human beings. Not the ones who are marching on around the nation because they aren't happy with the election, or with the decisions that President Donald Trump made about Planned Parenthood.
All that work just so women could stop having children? I don't think so. Looking at it like that means you never understood feminism. It's as if we turned on our backs on what our ancestors did. They didn't go through all that suffering for us to throw it all away and just have great careers. They did it so we could have careers and raise our daughters so they could have it even better then we did. We are able to do so much more then the "feminists" are giving us credit for.
My mom is incredible woman and all of this feminist talk makes what she did for me look like it was some stupid choice. You had a child? Yeah she did, and she is one heck of a woman to do everything she did and raise me. These modern day feminists sell her short because she decided to give up years of her life to raise her children, and honestly I don't think she regretted it. In their "great feminist movement" they lost the joy of the future feminists.
If you are a woman you are able to do anything you could ever want, but don't look down on other woman who chose to do something different then what you did. Stop selling yourself short, because you can do it all. You can have the job and the family, but you have to work for it, just like everybody else.