Last week, I saw an article floating around Facebook. It was titled, "I Am A Female And I Am So Over Feminists". My heart sank that so many women, especially ones I was Facebook friends with, were proudly sharing this article. The sub headline of the article read, "PSA to Feminists: We are doing a lot better than you think", and this is what made me scratch my head. Who exactly is doing well in the world we live in right now besides white men and women? I couldn't think of any examples, but rather many people who do need feminism. I wanted to compile some examples to show that Feminism is more than a definition, it is more than wanting men and women to be equal, it is the fight for equality between everyone, all races, genders, classes, etc. The fact that so many people are so quick to be dismissive of equality disappoints me, so here are people who NEED equality.
In the Republic of Congo, women and girls as young as 18 months are being abducted and raped, often with knives, rocks, burning charcoal, and guns (often which are fired, killing the women). They are also subjected to the mutilation of their breasts and genitals.
In countries like South-East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, the West Indies, and the Middle East, women and children are often the victims of acid attacks, and typically they are "a form of gender based violence, perhaps because a young girl or woman spurned sexual advances or rejected a marriage proposal".
About 30 countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia practice Female Genital Mutilation. This practice, done against the female's will, often removes the clitoris and labia in order prevent women from having any pleasure during intercourse and prevent women from having any sexual desires or having premarital sex. 200 million (yes, million) girls have been the victims of FGM.
While FGM typically happens in the countries mentioned above, there have been cases of FGM happening in the U.S in order to prevent girls from masturbating.
There are about 15 countries that practice being stoned to death, some legally. Women are stoned when they try to report a rape and instead are accused of adultery, for coming forward about being domestically abused, for having extramarital affairs, etc. Men too are stoned for having relations with another man or for extramarital affairs.
The 1 in 5 women who are raped.
The 1 in 71 men who are raped.
The 1 in 4 girls who will be sexually abused before they turn 18.
The 1 in 6 boys who will be sexually abused before they turn 18.
The 102 unarmed black people who were killed by police in 2015.
The trans men and women, especially those of color, who are subjected to hate crimes, violence, and murder.
The 218 million people who are currently banned from entering the United States, the land of the free, solely because of their religion.
I could provide many more examples, but these statistics illustrate just how much hate, racism, and sexism there is in our world today. I am tired of men and my fellow white women being so dismissive of feminism, a movement that aims to create equality among all. While you go to sleep in your comfortable bed tonight in a country that you are welcomed in, please remember all of those who need you to be an ally.