Before you start to freak out and think that this is just another female expressing her anger toward males, hear me out and realize that this isn’t what this article is about.
According to the popular song “Flawless” by the queen herself, Beyonce, feminism is “the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes." I have always felt that I’ve had equality in all of these aspects of society. There are so many powerful political women in office, such as Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. Not to mention there have also been four women Supreme Court justices, which is quite remarkable if you ask me. There are women everywhere that are speaking up about rape, sexual harassment, and abortions, in an effort to empower other women to speak up and know they’re not alone. It seems like females are quite inspirational across the nation. I personally have not experienced a time where I’ve felt inferior in society, until society has caused me to feel this forced lack of feminism.
I feel that feminism has shifted its purpose in recent years. People like Rosa Parks and Susan B. Anthony started this movement with true feminist intentions. They believed in making sure females and males were equal in all aspects. Our generation seems to have a new interpretation of feminism. The media interprets men as these powerful figures that are trying to take over our lives, and that’s why we’re supposed to fight for our rights and be superior to them.
The truth of the matter is women shouldn’t have to be fighting to be equal to a man. Personally, I never want to be equal to a man. As a person of any sex, you can go out and accomplish anything you put your mind to. It’s all about the effort you put in; your sex has absolutely nothing to do with your abilities. There are women that are doctors, and there are men that are stay-at-home dads. There shouldn’t be gender stereotypes surrounding these jobs. Each job is equally as important, why does it matter what gender the person is? The answer is simple, this is what society taught us.
It doesn’t matter what gender you identify with. You are capable of accomplishing anything that you work hard enough for. If you’re scared of this hypothetical “glass ceiling," then you better learn how to break it because trust me, it doesn’t exist. If you are truly a “feminist," then you understand that men and women both have the same chance at a job. Whether or not you succeed is completely up to you. If a man gets a job over you, it’s probably because he was more qualified, and vice versa. We’re so quick to blame it on gender and don’t even consider the multiple other logical reasons for not getting what we want.
The whole point of feminism is to be equal to men. However, it seems that our society has put a negative spin on the word. Therefore, I don’t consider myself to be a feminist. I consider myself to be someone who knows she can accomplish anything a man can with the right amount of effort and perseverance.