Hi, it's me. Your friendly, neighborhood feminist. Not the one who voted for Hillary just because she was a woman, but the one who voted against Trump because she has had a fear of men like him and what they represent for a long time.
Yeah, that one.. the one you really don't like, right?
Expect, I really don't know why you don't like me.
When I first became interested in the Feminist movement, I was the one who would shove her beliefs down everyone's throat. I believed that societies sole purpose was to oppress women and that men are evil.
Today, I think that society is oppressing woman, through some design flaws and biases. But, I do not hate men. In my life, I have met men who have done more to promote my self-interests (by that I mean the interest of womankind) more than some women.
Ultimately, my beliefs are pretty simple: Nobody is lesser because of their race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, income, language, or what kind of soda they drink. I believe in equality and equity. Equality is the belief in the same playing field, and for me, equity is bringing those who are disadvantaged to that same field.
I do not consider my views radical. In fact, I think they are in line with what many people would say their ideology is. However, to the Facebook warriors of the world (Not actual warriors, just those who share political memes like its going out of style) how do you claim to support equality when you support the oppression of anyone who isn't like you? Why do you let our differences divide us?
One of the Facebook warriors leading causes is the destruction of Antifa. I will not get into the ideology and my own beliefs about Antifa; unlike many people, I am able to recuse myself from a subject if I don't think I know enough to have an educated and purposeful conversation about the subject. Many of these same people fail to realize a key part of what Fascism (as an ideology) calls for.
The Us vs Them mentality.
Those of us in the "in" group are good, we are naturally superior. The other, the "them" is naturally evil and should be destroyed at all costs. Or eliminated, or gone. They must be hated.
What does this sound like to you?
This reminds me of Xenophobia, and racism, which is often covering our news feeds. We are supporting a Us vs Them mentality.
Just because you do not support the way someone lives their life, or you do not like what they believe, does not give you the justification to hate them. You do not get to sit upon a high horse and see yourself as better. Because you are not. We all bleed red, we all have a heartbeat. We need to be united, not divided. This Us vs Them mentality has historically brought trouble, and honestly, I believe if we do not unite over differences, I see us following a historical trend.
So yes, I am a feminist. I am proud of my beliefs, as I believe everyone should be. I am not going to change my whole ideological belief system because of an argument on Facebook. But, I will reflect.
And I'm asking you to, too.