Men and women are not biologically equal, that's for sure. But the human body is not the issue here. The real issues are "the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes." These are the topics that matter in the definition and truth behind feminism.
Women have become stronger over the past four decades. We are intelligent, we are able to attend college, we are able to have children, or not. We can work, we are able to curate our own lives. Yes, this may be the "best time for women," but it's not where it needs to be.
Just because people are slightly more accepting of women's choices doesn't mean things need to stop here. We have more room to grow, as women, as men, as a coherent society.
Men and women are not equal, specifically in the places where it counts. Women are naturally intuitive, they are intelligent. Men are naturally resilient and strong, but they aren't giant oafs.
True feminism is going through defamation today. There are plenty of bad examples given by people who hate feminism and people who are extreme feminists (which also shouldn't be called feminism when it's just about hating men).
Extreme feminism is only fueling the fire. People who are extreme feminists give the rest of us a bad reputation. They can come off very harsh and cause people to get the wrong idea about gender equality.
Feminism is an important example of what this country needs. Equality among the sexes would bring us closer together as a nation.
Like I said in my previous article, political views in this country are very separated. The moments we've had in this country in the past two years have been split politically, racially, socially.
Humans deserve to be treated equally and with respect.