With the recent Midterm elections women passed many milestones including the two first Muslim women voted into Congress, the two first native women voted into congress, the first black woman voted into Congress for Massachusetts and Connecticut, the youngest woman voted into Congress, the first woman senator for Tennessee, the first black Attorney General for New York, the first lesbian mother voted into Congress, and so many more.
Women are taking over politics and they are no longer staying quiet and changing their lives themselves.
That being said, even with such amazing advances the topic of feminism and what it means for women and this country are being tainted with false ideas and concepts. Feminism can be traced to 24 centuries ago. It is not a new concept. It is not a new idea. However, it is being "mansplained" and twisted into something that it's not. And the worst thing? A large majority of those that are tainting it are women. So ladies and gentlemen sit back while I tell you what Feminism actually means.
Feminism means equality.
There is still a major pay gap in this country between men and women. That pay gap is even larger between whites and minorities. Feminism fights not just for equal pay, but also equal opportunities, equal treatment, and equal credibility. Plain and simple, feminism fights for equal rights. For all. All races of women, all religions of women, all sexual orientations of women, all classes of women. Yes, that even means the women who choose to stay home and take care of the house and kids. The whole point of feminism is that you have the CHOICE to stay home and watch your kids and the house if that's what you want to do. The reason why many women don't want to is that up until, not so long ago, women weren't allowed to do anything but stay home and watch the kids and clean the house. Then again, that is their choice. We have that choice now thanks to feminists.
Feminism means strength.
With the #MeToo movement there is a lot of back and forth on whether it is empowering women or weakening them. Feminism is there to empower women to voice what they feel is right or wrong. This does not, however, mean that everything a woman says should be taken as the truth, or a law because no human being should have that power. Women are still humans and are still at fault of lying or cheating. That being said, for centuries the woman's account or story has not mattered, or been swept under the rug. So for now, we're going to be a little loud and angry. Sorry, not sorry because feminism does still mean equality, that does not mean that men should be silenced or ridiculed for showing emotions. As long as it is not harmful or degrading of course. Which brings me to my final point.
Feminism helps men too.
Feminism doesn't just work for women, although that is the man mission. But it's not possible to change things for women without changing things for men. The way men behave and think is also influenced by society and education. So to change the root of the problem is an extremely effective way to make a long-lasting, and drastic change. Men need mental health education, sex education, and society needs to also change how we men aren't allowed to show emotions. No emotions mean no compassion, no compassion means no change. Also, gay or trans men need the help of feminism. They are our allies, who are also being victimized and treated terribly by the misogynistic society that we live in.
With the change that is already taking place to aid women, we can't be infesting the idea of change and progress with the words of hate and ignorance.
And for those white women, aged 40+ you need to realize that the votes you are making are affecting your fellow women and the minorities of this countries. Use that voice you have to make your own choice, not following the voice of those that aren't being affected.