New Age - New Woman
I know what you all must be thinking, "just another psycho feminist who's going to talk about the wage gap and patriarchy and ramble on why women can open their own doors."
Allow me to stop you there.
I'm not tooting my own horn when I say I am an open minded person. I will most definitely listen to what someone has to say, especially because I hope for others to do the same when I speak, or in this case, write. I understand the concerns of the opposing side (men and women alike) that, "feminists hate all men," "feminists only care if you're a white American," and "feminists want to kill your unborn baby." Most certainly there are feminists out there who are radical and one sided, and that also do not represent the true meaning of feminism, just as there are extremist religious groups, political groups, etc.
The United States of America does, in fact, grant the incredible rights our first wave feminists were fighting for - equality among social, political, and economic standpoints, however, there is no denying that still, in the 21st century, there are still prejudices and still bias. Despite obvious unfair and unjust acts still performed in the country such as rape culture and expectations the general public doesn't expect women to live up to, our country is not the only country in the world and not the only nation that matters. This does not solely apply to white women; in fact, women of color are negatively affected greater than white women all over the globe.
Countries in Africa, Middle East, and elsewhere in the world still legalize child brides: in some cases, up to 76% of marriages are with child brides. This means girls are married off to a man without their consent before the age of 18 and due to the circumstances of said countries, most are unable to divorce their husbands. Girls Not Brides states 1 in 3 girls in undeveloped countries are married off before they are 18. Some may claim that this practice is strictly a part of their culture, and we should not interfere with their personal views, and I get that. However, at least give the woman a chance to make her own decisions when she is of mature and mental capacity to do so. We are not items to sell on a market that are worth monetary value and are deemed less valuable if "used." This practice is one of many examples of how women are treated and bartered like baked goods - not in the U.S., but our own national world is not the world of the globe.
Also, may I remind some of you that feminism helps men in many ways that "meninists" (or the real word, misogynists) do not. When the LGBTQ movement began its uprising and gaining popularity, did men stand with their brothers and cousins and nephews and say, "hey man, it's alright, we support you."? They did not. Gay and Transgender people get the majority of hate from their fellow males. I won't say all men hate gay/trans men, because not all do, but many definitely do and are not afraid to show it. Also, 90-95% of male rape cases go unreported because men are taught they cannot be raped, because they inherently "enjoy" all sexual activity, and that if a man has an erection he must want sex, consensual or nonconsensual. Feminism fights for men and their injustices, too.
Do your research. Truly investigate before you completely shut down the idea of something or a particular movement. Most importantly, have an open mind and form your own opinion. Women of all colors and sizes anatomically and physiologically are (practically, other than some hormones) the same as men of all colors and sizes put under an x-ray and microscope. As a feminist, I do appreciate when men hold open the door for me or when the "man of the household" feels it is his need to be the primary income, that's cool. But women should not be held to certain expectations and roles so strict that it's taboo if they do otherwise. Hey, I can get the tab sometimes too!