The Surprising Amount Of Feminism In 'Game of Thrones'/'A Song Of Ice And Fire' Characters | The Odyssey Online
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The Surprising Amount Of Feminism In 'Game of Thrones'/'A Song Of Ice And Fire' Characters

The many awesome women of George R. R. Martin's fantasy saga.

The Surprising Amount Of Feminism In 'Game of Thrones'/'A Song Of Ice And Fire' Characters
PMC Variety

Warning! Spoilers for both the books and show!

The show "Game of Thrones ," based on the bestselling series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R. R. Martin, has been a topic of controversy over its treatment of women in the show, yet on both the screen and in the pages of the book. There are a lot of men out there vying for the Iron Throne, there are women playing the deadly game too. Some say the women in the show and novels are treated terribly, but to be fair, life sucks for almost every character at this point. Westeros is a patriarchal society yet there are many women who are scary forces to be reckoned with in the series, here are ten. I would say top ten but because of my favoring House Stark, I'm sure the ordering is biased. I think the characters are well done in both mediums so this article will try to tie them together even though the show is diverging from the books even more with the new season.

10. Asha/Yara Greyjoy

Asha or Yara, as she is known in the show, is of the Ironborn. She gathered her own ships, commanded men and went into war for House Greyjoy. In both the book and show, she has defied the heavily misogynistic Ironborn time and time again and announced her intention to be the next ruler of the Ironborn in both the books and the show, if anyone can be the first female leader of the Iron Islands, it's Asha/Yara.

9. Cersei Lannister (Baratheon)

Cersei is by no means a nice character, but she is cunning, loving towards her family - sometimes too much. She is selfish and seeks her own advancement but she has shown she will do anything to help her children. She gained her position as queen through her looks and birthright but she took her power in it through making alliances and garnering power behind the scenes. Her character is sincere, only foolish and twisted.

8. Margaery Tyrell

Margaery, only daughter of House Tyrell, has been vying for power since day one. She played to the people of King's Landing with charity and smiles. She is not the only powerhouse woman of the Tyrells, her grandmother Olenna Tyrell has been shown to be just as conniving. Although Margaery is in a bit of trouble as things stand, she hasn't lost any of her spirit.

7. Ygritte

Ygritte comes from the Free Folk. She is a soldier and raider, the same as any man above the Wall and there was one man in particular she sought out, Jon Snow. Ygritte knew Jon was still loyal to the Night's Watch, but she was also still loyal to her people, and informed Jon they would try to live thusly. Ygritte has been saved by Jon in the past, but she also saved him from the other Free Folk and helped keep him alive when his loyalties came to light. She was one awesome lady who lived and died by her beliefs.

6. Melisandre

Melisandre is a priestess of the Lord of Light, an ancient religion relatively unheard of in Westeros. She had a king and his entire army doing her bidding, so much so that in the show he sacrificed his own daughter for her. She certainly keeps moving whether she makes this prophecy come true or not remain to be seen, but Melisandre is definitely not done with Westeros yet.

5. Catelyn Stark/Lady Stoneheart

Catelyn Stark, wife of Ned Stark, mother of the Stark children, daughter of House Tully, and zombified avenger? Thus far she is only that last bit in the books, but she has done a lot. She didn't exactly make waves in the beginning, she did what was asked of her. When her children were threatened she wasn't content to wait at Winterfell, she traveled south to do something. In the books, even death couldn't stop her. She was resurrected as Lady Stoneheart, though she can't exactly talk with her throat slit, she can still lead fighters through the wilderness.

4. Sansa Stark

Sansa took after her mother in that she was afraid to make waves, but she has been hit with so much hardship throughout the series and has shown amazing resilience in both the books and the show. Though they have taken her on different paths, in both mediums she has still proven herself time and time again to be a survivor.

3. Brienne of Tarth

Brienne is quite possibly the literal strongest of all the female characters in the show and books alike. She has been a warrior since a very young age and has hardly let the patriarchy define her. She was the first woman to ever serve in a Kingsguard. She is also incredibly kind and abides by her oaths until they are done.

2. Arya Stark

From the very beginning Arya has been defiant of what everyone expected of her. She never cared for sewing. She prefered to call her sword Needle. She stood up to Joffrey, she persevered in the face of her father's death and set out to take vengeance. She's spent the last few years of her life on the run but she is soon to be stronger than ever as she learns to be an assassin and maybe a Warg.

1. Daenerys Targaryen

When she lost her husband and unborn son, she refused to become a nameless widow of the Dothraki and literally rose up from the ashes to raise three dragons and an army behind her, intent on taking back her throne. She lead an army of Dothraki, stormed big ports home to the slave trade and liberated them. As for her state in the show at the beginning of season 6, it looks like things are still a work in progress. alk about the struggles of a single mom.

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