Everyone views Elle Woods as your typical dumb blonde. A sales associate assumes her stupidity just by the way she looks. Her ex-boyfriend leaves her because he claims his future should consist of a woman with more stature — a Jacqueline as opposed to a Marilyn.
Although she definitely fits the stereotype, with her bubbly deposition, blow-dry, and her small purse dog, there is more to her than people might think. Initially, her motives are led by a broken heart and her own pursuit to gain the love of her ex-boyfriend. But after winning a spot at Harvard, she decides to show everyone exactly what Elle Woods is capable of.
1. Sisterhood is important
Friendships are important. Elle Woods is someone who resonates well with other women. Her girlfriends are her backbone and regardless of what decisions she makes, they're always there for support. She instantly becomes good friends with her nail technician, Paulette, as both women look to one another for support. One of her professors, Stromwell, is there for Elle and encourages her when she needs it most. Where there was once a rivalry with her ex's new girlfriend, Vivian, they both end up becoming best friends.
2. You can achieve whatever you put your mind to
Elle Woods is a girl with a bachelor's degree in fashion who wakes up one morning and decides she will go to Harvard. While everyone told her that Harvard was a place for serious people, people that were nothing like her, she worked hard to get accepted and proved she was just as capable as anyone else. She refused to let the unfair opinions of others get in the way of her own success.
3. Always know your self-worth
Elle Woods learns her own self-worth and independence from the men around her. After desperately going to Harvard to follow her ex-boyfriend, she realizes she no longer needs him — or wants him. She continues studying at Harvard for herself, and she ends up loving what she does. Her professor, Callahan, ends up hitting on her and promises huge career opportunities. He perceived the wrong idea of Elle, thinking that she would accept relations with him simply to benefit her own career. Elle had no problem removing toxic influences from her life. Women don't need men, but they don't hate them. Rather, invest in a man who is actually worth your time.
4. Femininity can still be kept alive
Just because Elle began working alongside major law firms and lawyers, she continued her femininity. Elle Woods dresses with her elaborate pink outfits and wins a case just by knowing basic hair care. She exemplifies being able to be a boss lawyer and a girly girl all in one. Feminism doesn't demand women to stop shaving their legs and wear masculine clothing, but it argues a women's right and capability of being whoever she chooses to be.
5. Challenge those cliché stereotypes
Elle Woods finished on top. She defeated all odds that were up against her. Elle graduated law school at the top of her class and was even named valedictorian. Just when everyone thought she couldn't do it, she did it and more. Despite the backlash of peers, she believed in herself. If you desire something and have a goal in mind, don't let what others say steer you away from the things you want. Elle Woods went from a bachelor's in fashion to a law school graduate.
Next time you're looking for a little motivation or just in the mood for a quality chick-flick, watch this movie. Turn on "Legally Blonde" and see for yourself how Elle Woods conquered law school, all while gracefully exemplifying the ideas of feminism.