Nothing irks me more than when someone asks, “You are a woman, why aren’t you a part of the Feminist movement?” As a woman I am completely enthralled by this thought.
Feminism is an great idea. Equality in itself is something; We should never settle for being less than another person. However, Feminism has come a long way since its originality. Here in America, we are allowed to walk outside and show our faces, and be as revealing as we want. We are not made to dress a certain way. We are allowed to look a man in his face and say what we wish. We allowed the greatest opportunities of the Constitution as any Male.We are no longer traded off for property. We are not wed off for benefiting factors that our family will gain. We are allowed to not only chose whether or not we say “I Do”, but who we marry. We have the decision of if we want to bear children. We are no longer looked at solemnly as a piece of property, or baby-incubator.
Let me ask? Did you walk outside today and not have to lower your head and not look (much less speak) to a man without being given specific permission? What does burning your bra have to do with equal rights? I’m all for doing whatever makes you happy, and if you choose to not support your breasts, go right ahead. As long as that decision makes you happy then okay. However, do not be burning your bra as a display of all women. To do something and use it as a representation of your beliefs is fine, but do not automatically assume that all women support the same things that you do. I would not ever be caught not wearing a bra, much less burning my bra as a display of expressing my thoughts of equality. What does not wearing makeup accomplish? It is your choice everyday to wear makeup or not. I personally never leave the house without mascara and lipstick. No one is forcing you to dress or act a certain way. If anyone has ever made you feel that you are required to do an act a certain way, I apologize.
As a woman in the United States of America, we are allowed to go outside and abide by the same laws as a man. We can drive a car to the dealership. We can buy a car; whether it is by purchasing it in full or leasing it. We are allowed to buy property. We can drive on election day and vote. Our voice matters, where the women in the Middle East could not dream of voting. The most important part is we as women can do what many of us love to do most, Shop! We can purchase things without a man standing over us telling us what we can and can not dress as.
I am a female; however, I am not a feminist. Feminism does not speak for me.