If you didn't already know, "Captain Marvel" came out into theaters. And if you didn't already know, it's the first Marvel female solo movie! Yes, Marvel has been making movies for 10 years, and this is the first female movie.
While the other Marvel heroes are amazing, it's finally nice to have a female superhero that wasn't a sidekick or another Avenger but leads her own movie.
And it's important to have a female superhero as a role model for young girls. Because before now they would just see all these big tough guys saving the day. Until "Black Panther," there was only one or two strong lead females, Black Widow and Scarlet Witch, but then we got Shuri and Nakia and Okoye. We got three strong female characters in one movie, which is more than Marvel had in close to 10 movies!
"Thor Ragnorak" gave us Valkyrie and "Infinity War" gave us that awesome fight scene of Okoye, Black Widow and Scarlet Witch working together to defeat Proxima Midnight. But never had we had a female solo movie.
Until now! Now, girls can watch "Captain Marvel" and see a female save the day. They can know that they can be strong and powerful and can do anything that they want to do if they work hard.
And really, Captain Marvel is a role model for everyone just like every other superhero can be a role model.
What's really important is she doesn't give up and not that she has some cool superpowers. Every time she falls, every time someone thinks she can't do it, every time she should feel like giving up, she gets back up. Because life is hard but you have to keep getting back up.
And it's important to have a diverse group of superheroes so that people can relate to heroes on the screen and feel some sort of representation. There's "Black Panther," "Wonder Woman" and "Captain Marvel" and one day, we might get the "Black Widow" movie that we've wanted for so long. The group of heroes are slowly becoming more diverse and it's great to see because more people can relate and feel a connection.
Because everyone can be a hero.