As we were growing up, there were many different celebrities that could be seen as role models. Some of the more positive role models included Mia Hamm, Anne Hathaway and Mandy Moore. These were the women our mothers wanted us to look up to as we tried to discover ourselves. Although more commonly, and much to our mothers' dismay, we looked up to others like Brittany Spears and Miley Cyrus. These pop stars of our youth were seen as the "cool girls." They had the best singing voices and always the best clothes. But as these women aged, they began to break out of their good girl shells and become more promiscuous.
Today we hope that the youth of our generation looks up to the following women who strive for female empowerment and positive body image for youth.
1. Beyonce:
Beyoncé has often used her music to speak to women, she supports positive body image with her songs along with female empowerment. While she's often called "Queen Bey" alluding that many young girls see her as a good role model, she's also been seen as a wonderful mother figure for her daughter Blue Ivy.
2. Taylor Swift:
Taylor Swift's music always reaches out to the hearts of girls as she sings about the ups and downs found throughout relationships. In the celebrity world Taylor Swift has surrounded herself with powerful female celebrities all of which can be found in her music video for Bad Blood.
3. Lorde:
Lords hit the celebrity scene when she was about 17 years old. At this young age she began the "youngest solo artist to achieve a US number-one single on the Billboard Hot 100 since 1987". This teaches young women that regardless of age, hard work can lead you to reach your goals and dreams.
4. Kate Middleton:
5. Jennifer Lawrence:
Jennifer Lawrence once said, “I’m never going to starve myself for a part … I don’t want little girls to be like, ‘Oh, I want to look like Katniss, so I’m going to skip dinner.’” Within this statement she can be seen as an amazing role model, teaching young girls to own the bodies that they were born with and love every part of themselves.
6. Our Mothers:
The final role model to which many young girls look up to should be their mother. Many young girls do not realize it but our mothers are the most hardworking people in the world. They go to work everyday, keep the house running smoothly and put dinner on the table all else making sure you make it to dance class on time. While it may be hard to achieve the goals these above celebrities have reached, it is always realistic to hope we can one day grow up to be half the women our mothers are.