2. Donna Missal | The Odyssey Online
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11 Female Artists Who Deserve Your Attention

Looking for some new music? Check out these badass female artists!


Music is a big part of my life. I liking searching for new artists, but I also tend to hold on to artists for awhile. Recently, I've been really fascinated by female vocalists in the business. So, here are just a few of my favorite female musicians at the moment!

1. Maggie Rogers

Gaining my attention from a video with Pharrell, Maggie Rogers won my heart from the start. Rogers grew up surrounded by music, learning to play tons of different instruments, and ultimately found a spot in folk music. However, she strays away from strict genre rules and stereotypes with her music. She is exquisite at creating images with her music, notably because of her synesthesia, a condition that allows her to see colors when she hears music. Rogers just released her debut album "Heard It In A Past Life" and I can easily tell you that I will be listening to that album for the rest of my life.

2. Donna Missal

Donna Missal has vocals like none I've ever heard. They come off so effortlessly, yet they're so heavy. Her versatility is insane; she swings back and forth between gentle, soft lines to fiery, in-your-face belting. She's new to the scene, but I definitely recommend you check out her music.

3. Alicia Keys

If you know me, you know I love Alicia Keys. This woman has been my inspiration in so many aspects of life. She holds herself with so much class and pride, and that reflects in her music. Her hits are never half-assed and hold so much meaning to them. Whether you're a fan of the older or newer music, Alicia Keys is timeless.

4. Lizzo

Lizzo produces hits that never fail to make you want to get up and dance. Her songs are empowering, allowing you to unleash your inner diva. Besides her catchy lines and beats that run through your body, she's got an incredible set of lungs on her. I recommend Lizzo for anyone looking for their next power anthem.

5. Sigrid

This Norwegian artist brings a youthful, nostalgic feeling with my music and aesthetic. Her choppy delivery is refreshing and matches nicely with her raspy tone. Her songs are innovative, emotional, and powerful, allowing for a wide variety of listeners. She's constantly putting out new music that's different from the next.

6. Samia

Samia is another badass woman making her way in the music world. Her flaming confidence and temper challenge her small stature, and her music embodies this. Her delicate vocals are partnered with witty lines and fierce guitar-powered beats to create the unique music of Samia.

7. Lianne LaHavas

I was first introduced to Lianne LaHavas when I was trying to find the Glee version of Aretha Franklin's "Say A Little Prayer." Embarrassing, I know. Luckily, I found LaHavas instead. Her smooth, effortless vocals immediately gave me chills. Naturally, I was hooked and listened to anything and everything of her that I could. While her genre is not of my typical liking, her voice is magnetizing and it's easy to understand why she is in this business.

8. Elle King

Elle King became relevant to me with her hit "Ex's and Oh's." However, it wasn't until years later that I discovered her other music. Watching King is fascinating; it's impossible to figure out how that voice is coming out of her. Her intense rasp and growling come out so naturally. Seriously, she screams more than any other artist I've heard. She crosses genres, including rock, country, blues, and soul, making her music lovable by many audiences.

9. Janelle Monae

Janelle Monae is a timeless performer. Her vocals are incredible, but pairing that with her captivating dance moves and innovative beats allows for Monae's success. Monae is also an accomplished actress, so you can see how her performance comes into play for her music.

10. Bishop Briggs

Bishop Briggs' music ranges widely. She crosses tons of genres and shares a multitude of stories. Her edgy, punk vibes match perfectly with her vocal power. Her power is typically kept at the same level, no matter the musical style she is playing with, so she consistently brings the fire.

11. Lady Gaga

How could I not include Lady Gaga? Of course, I know she's been big on the charts for years, but I don't think for the right reasons. For many people, Lady Gaga is still that crazy lady who wore meat dresses and made weird dance music. Yet, through her old hits to her latest album to her work on "A Star Is Born". Gaga has shown us time and time again that she has some crazy vocal abilities and even more passion for her craft.

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