We have had a lot of movies come out lately that have been remakes or sequels that have an all-female cast, and so many women and people, in general, are happy that women are taking center stage. And I would applaud them but the films are just not good, the casting is all wrong and script and acting are some of the worst.
One of the movies that were criticized for making an all-female lead cast was the reboot of "Ghostbusters", I went and seen this movie with a friend, and it was nowhere near as good as the first 2 original movies which had an all-male lead cast except the secretary.
There were a few funny moments between the cast, but the story was not very good and the acting needed help, and it did not do very well at the box office either. And then they made "Oceans 8" with an all-female cast, which did well at the box office, But reviews were mixed, some said it wasn't as good as the original 3 movies starring Brad Pitt and George Clooney.
But it's not just remakes, "Wonder Woman" was a hit at the box office for DC, but I found the movie dull and boring, the fight scenes were mediocre at best, and the acting and cast was not that good, even the casting of the big villain was horrible. Gal Gadot may look like Diana but her acting is not that good in a solo movie, she was better in "Batman VS Superman".
But if you compare "Wonder Woman" who brought in
Box Office
$149,000,000 (estimated)Opening Weekend USA:
$103,251,471, 4 June 2017, Wide ReleaseGross USA:
$412,563,408Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$821,763,408This was huge for DC they needed this because Marvel has been just sending out hits right and left. But now look at "Aquaman" who stars Jason Momoa every woman has a crush on him, and would rather see an attractive man than to watch a female lead movie, "Aquaman" is still in theaters, and has made worldwide.Box Office
$160,000,000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend USA:
$72,573,522, 23 December 2018, Wide Release
Gross USA:
$318,190,832, 30 January 2019
Cumulative Worldwide Gross:
$1,067,152,007, 21 January 2019
I don't care what women say, they can talk about wanting more female lead movies, but in the end, they want eye-candy just like men. So just because you want an all women cast doesn't mean you are going to go see it, because if it's not appealing to you then why would you see it.
You say it's all about girl power but besides "Wonder Woman" what was the last non-animated movie that had a female lead that was actually good? All this girl power talk has gone too far, not every single movie or tv show needs a female lead. some of the best movies and tv shows are male-centric and I would have it any other way.
I'm all for an all-female cast if it's done right, and let it be some new not a remake, But there are so many plans to remake movies with female leads, I think "Captain Marvel" is going to be the exception when it comes to a female lead superhero, unlike "Wonder Woman", Captian Marvel has an excitement factor because of the ending of "Avengers Infinity Wars" and a fan base with the other Marvel movies.
And Superheros are one thing for a female lead, but other movies such as a remake of "Lord of the Flies" and "Dirty Rotton Scoundrels", I don't see a female cast doing those movies justice.
Women can be badass and strong, but when it comes to being barbaric and ghoulish will it work in their favor?