Have you ever thought that you didn't know how to keep a friend? Many females have thought this for the fact that female friendships are hard to maintain sometimes. As a female you learn that maintaining friends can be harder for us than for guys. Females typically have more emotions and are far more delicate than our opposite sex counterparts. You can have a friend and never really know her true intentions or thoughts of you. Females have traits of being guarded and not wanting to let to much people in.
When making a decision of who you should surround yourself with make sure it's females that are positive and are going in the same direction as you in life. In doing this you will find that they will motivate you to be stronger and make you realize strengths within yourself that you didn't necessarily know you possessed. Also don't limit yourself to one particular set of people because you never know what another female can teach you. Old dogs can learn new tricks and any one can teach you anything.
Another problem that prevails in most friendships are envy and jealous. Envy and jealousy are two things you do not need or want in a healthy friendship. When these two traits exist in your friendship it starts to feel like more of a competition more so than a friendship. You should never feel like you need to up-do or do better than your friend. A friendly competitiveness is never a problem in a friendship but you nor your friend should feel like you guys are against each other. When friends feel like they are in competition with each other they tend to do outlandish things to subliminally embarrass their friends. And who wants to be friends with someone who constantly talks about them behind their back?
There a many qualities that makes a real friendship. A real friendship also goes far beyond "the turn-up." A real friend is someone who's up at 3 A.M. with you trying to help you finish your final that's due at 9 A.M. A real friend is where someone just lets you cry and doesn't judge, knows you need to vent and release your problems so they let you. A real friend is someone who supports your interest no matter how different they are from yours. A real friend doesn't enable you to do stupidity and embarrass yourself. With all the female shaming females should try to uplift each other instead of bringing them down and shaming them. In this generation there needs to be female unity especially when it comes to African American women. We're already a double minority if we can't uplift each other then who will?